How XenicalWorks?
Xenical orlistatis a prescription drug used to treat excess weight in obese people. Activecomponent of this medication is orlistat. It doesn’t affect the brain, but itworks in the human intestines.
In the intestinaltract, orlistat is known to block absorption of the fats from the food. Even ifthe person eats something fatty, this medications prevent up to 30% of that fatto be absorbed. The body is left to use its own fat to produce energy requiredfor the body and thus people may lose significant amount of excess weight.
Many other weightloss medications affect the central nervous system. Xenical orlistat affectsonly intestines and doesn’t boost themetabolism or suppress appetite. Absence of brain effects has made this drugvery useful in long term weight loss and patients can use Xenical for more thanone year. Also, this medication is one of the few drugs for weight loss thancan be prescribed to overweight teenagers.
How to UseXenical?
Xenical orlistatis recommended to be taken with every meal that include fats or at least up toone hour after such meal. It usually means that patients use this drug withtheir breakfast, lunch and diner, while they don't have to take the medicationif they skip the meal or eat something without fat.
Balanced diet issomething doctors regularly recommend to people who use Xenical orlistat. Thesepatients are advised to reduce the amount of fat in their food to some 30% anduse Xenical regularly for best results. In some cases, people eating too fattyfood may experience very unpleasant side effects of this drug. It may includeoily and fatty stools, flatulence, urgent bowel movements or inability tocontrol these bowel movements.
Healthy diet forpeople using Xenical should be a low fat diet recommended by doctors fromAerican Heart Association. These patients should eat plenty of fresh fruits andvegetables and preferably whole grain products. Recommended diet also consistsof: low fat or completely fat free dairy products, lean meat, poultry withoutthe skin and various beans. Egg yolks and meat should be avoided, as well assaturated fats. Use safflower, corn, canola or olive oil, instead of saturatedoils.
Regular physicalactivity is also one of the recommendations for people trying to lose someweight with Xenical. Along with balanced healthy diet and behavioral changes, thisdrugs is proven to reduce weight in overweight individuals.
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