We all know that we live in a fast world. We do not have the time to the prepare healthy food at home, so we goout to the restaurants, and eat fast food. This behavior has led to the problem of obesity, which is growing more than ever. When a person wants to have healthy and slim body, we recommend balanced diet.
Among the most used medications are the appetite suppressants, which affect the brain and send signals that brain interprets as a full stomach. When obesity is experienced you can try two approved medications. Their effect is not really significant but they can help with the 10 % weight loss, which is the goal at the beginning of the obesity treatment. By taking these medications, a person who is obese can avoid heart diseases, diabetes and high blood pressure troubles.
There are two types of appetitesuppressants: the ones that work on the longer run, and those on the short term. Sibutramine is a medication that is given in the extreme cases of obesity. Problems like irregular heartbeat, heart problems, stroke or high blood pressure eliminate the possibility of using this medication.
You can also use orlistat. This anti-obesity drug prevents enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract from dilapidating dietary fats into smaller molecules. In this way, the body can absorb them, and 30 % of the calories intake is reduced. You can also use off label medications, which can be received at physicians. These medications are used for something completely different, but your physician can give them to you for the obesity problem. There are some risks and side effects to using these medications. Many induce mild side effects, but medications called dexfenfluramine and fenfluramine can even lead to death, if they cause a condition called hypertension. Medications obtained by prescription include mazindole, sibutramine, phentermine, diethylpropion, orlistat, phentermine and phendimetrazine.
You can use antidepressants for weight reduction, but their effect weakens after six months. Amphetamines were used for weight reduction earlier, but not today. If you use one drug treatment and introduce exercising, some mild weight loss results are possible. In the past serotonin was included in appetite suppressants, but today these medications are withdrawn from the market. We have mentioned hypertension, which affects the blood vessels in the lungs. This disorder very rarely occurs and usually in those who use drugs for a long period of time. Problems such as pain in the chest, ankles and lower legs swelling, faintness and shortness of breath are some indications of this condition, so if you are having such problems, visit the doctor. Trials on dogs confirm that drug that affects the neurotransmitter serotonin can affect the central nervous system and damage it. Phenylpropanolamine is one of the most popular over-the-counter medications. It works on the amphetamines and can sometimes cause the increase of heart rate and blood pressure. It has bulking agents and fiber and their use makes the person feel full. But people with heart problems need to avoid this medication.
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