Xenical capsules contains lipase inhibitor substance called orlistat. These capsules are used to help in weight loss with the overweight and obese patients.
Orlistat works in our stomach and small intestine,preventing gastric and pancreatic lipases. The medicine prevents the food to be destroyed in the intestines and absorbed by the body. Instead the fat we eat is excreted as faeces, which helps enormously with the weight loss.
It is recommended to increase physical activity and be on a reduced diet, while taking orlistat. For actual calorie intake you should consult your doctor or pharmacist.
Very common side effects of orlistat are headache, abdominal pain and discomfort, wind, oily and fatty stools, diarrhea, urgent or increased needs to open the bowels, low levels of blood sugar in patients with type2 diabetes. Less common side effects includes pain or discomfort in the rectum, abdominal bloating in people with 2 types of diabetes, tooth or gum disorders, chest and urinary infections, tiredness, irregular menstrual cycle and anxiety. There have been reported cases of rectal bleeding, inflammation of pancreas, inflammation of the liver, diverticulitis, gallstones, raised liver enzymes, kidney stones (in patients with chronic kidney disease) and skin blisters, while using orlistat.
Any previously used medicines: OTC (over the counter), herbal remedies or medicines with the prescription should be mentioned to your doctor before the start of the treatment with orlistat, because of the possible interactions.
The manufacturer of orlistat strongly suggests that this medication should not be used with acarbose and ciclosporin, or at least levels of ciclosporin should be monitored by your doctor.
When using orlistat with anticoagulants, patients’ blood clotting time must be closely monitored.
A consultation with your doctor or pharmacist is needed if you’re using amiodarone, or medicines for diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure. Using orlistat with levotyroxine may cause levotyroxine to work less effective, and the doctor’s advice is necessary in this case.
When using some antiepileptic medicines, such as valproate or lamotrigine, orlistat could interfere and decrease the amount of these medications. This might cause ineffectiveness of antiepileptics and provoke worse seizures or more frequent seizures.
Multivitamin supplements should be used two or more hours before orlistat, or before sleep. If used in a different manner, orilstat will prevent the absorption of vitamins.
Orlistat is known to cause severe diarrhea, which may interfere with the absorption of contraceptive tablets and generate their ineffectiveness. When using orlistat women are advised to use extra measures of contraception, such as condoms, to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
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