Ashley and Michael Speer were unpleasantly surprised by Foster, who entered their home at gunpoint and then demanded that they hand over their one month old son to her. When Ashley refused, Foster went on a stabbing frenzy and wounded the new mother severely. Michael, who was also stabbed, managed to overpower the intruder and held her to the floor while his seriously inured wife called the police.
Stephanie Foster had every intention of passing this baby off as her own. Apparently, the Daily Mail reports, she had a history of multiple miscarriages. When Foster miscarried once again, she decided to lie to her husband about it and stuff a pillow under her shirt to make her look pregnant. She didn't want to tell her husband because he was so elated they were finally going to have a child, a baffled Sheriff told the press. In a sick twist, Stephanie Foster allegedly moved a paintbrush about under her shirt when her husband asked to feel the baby move.
Frankly, all of this sounds like a very badly written novel. Even a guy who is in denial and wants to believe his wife when she says she is pregnant can feel the difference between a bloated abdomen and a pillow, and between a paintbrush and something that truly comes from inside the uterus. I feel terrible for the Speer family, who were supposed to be enjoying their babymoon with their new son. Instead, they both turned into heroes who learned early on in parenthood that they'd do anything to keep their baby safe. I hope they both have a speedy recovery from their injuries, and that they will be offered trauma counseling!
- Photo courtesy of Quinn Dombrowski by Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/quinnanya/14666774694/
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