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Erectile Dysfunction, From a DifferentAngle

There are men who have to face the cruel reality of being impotent. This state of affairs can trigger many changes in their behavior, making their relationships different, as well as their own personalities. Usually, men with erectile problems tend to avoid sexual intercourse in various ways. They ignore their wives during acts of intimacy, they skip caressing or any other signs of sex or foreplay of any kind or they do other, similar things.

Also, only a small percent of impotent males admits that they have a problem. A majority of these people only ignore it day by day, until they have to face the women in their lives and, in most cases, get abandoned due to the great misunderstanding they have created.

From a Woman's Point of View

The above mentioned ignoring of the sexual act and its very avoidance, can be perceived quite negative by the other side. A woman, while noticing the coldness and the lack of intimacy coming from their partners may think that he is having an affair, that he is ill, or that he is trying to leave her. This can give birth to many other problems and worries. A woman who suspects that her husband is cheating on her may be extremely jealous and make scenes. On the other hand, women who think that the man has lost his interest in them may act first and leave this individual rather than being left behind themselves.

Either way, there is a lack of communication, making this whole set of affairs worse.

There are cases where men admit that they have a problem. Then, they are usually directed to medical treatment. The important step can be taken by both the man and the women, attending counseling or therapy together or the man alone, dealing with his problem.

Interestingly enough, some women may accept the lack of sex positively, since they never actually liked the intercourse with their men that much. This, again, can lead to self-judgment as well as other personal problems.

Of course, it is important for every woman experiencing this to accept her impotent man, provide support and understanding and try to find a solution together. Visiting the doctor together can be excellent since then, there, both partners can have their say, helping the doctor realize where the problem lies. In the meantime, there are many medications which can help you with your problem.

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