This medication from the group of ACE inhibitors is definitely one of very good solutions for the treatment of high blood pressure. Its mechanism of action is based on blocking the enzyme that converts angiotensin, which results in relaxed blood vessels, lower blood pressure and better efficiency of the heart. Besides, in cases of hypertension, it can also be used in the treatment of several heart problems, among which are also congestive heart failure and left ventricular dysfunction, but in each case, it definitely needs to be prescribed by the doctor. The dosage will depend on several factors, among which are also the age of the patient, presence of some other health issue and the use of some other medications.
What is a huge plus of this medication is the fact that it can be used in cases of children with hypertension, as well as infants who are older than one month. Another reason why this medication is more frequently prescribed than others is related to the fact that the side effects associated with it appear extremely rarely. They surely are possible, and there definitely are those more and less serious in nature, but their frequency is very low.
What are its negative sides?
Just like any other medication, this one also has its negative effects, but those that are mostly experienced are not serious. They consist of headaches, feeling tired, body weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, shortness of breath and cough. These symptoms do not last long, and unless they do not disappear on their own, it is recommended to inform the doctor about their presence and consult about further use of this medication. Problems that people who use Vasotec should report as soon as they appear include pain in the stomach, dizziness, pain in the back, fever and any other symptoms that might indicate some infection, fainting, as well as signs of allergic reaction such as unexplained rash, difficulty breathing, wheezing and similar.
People who suffer from some heart disease, diabetes, allergy or disease that affects kidneys or liver are to inform their doctor about the presence of such conditions because in some cases it might not be a good idea to use Vasotec. The same goes for women who are pregnant, lactating, or people who are about to undergo a surgery procedure of any kind.
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