A Thing or Two about OccupationalTherapy
Many people, upon hearing about thename of this therapy, have no idea what it encompasses, let alonewhat it is all about. Therefore, in order to understand whatoccupational therapy is, we will need to explain the term occupation,which basically, means all the things we do in order to spend time.This may involve constructive things like work and hobbies, andleisure time like resting and having fun. Thus, our existence is,more or less, an occupation, which has certain ways of conduct.Namely, we have several aspects of living we need to take care of.We need to take care of ourselves, ensuring we and our families eat,sleep and go to toilet regularly, as well as groom and dress ourselves hygienically and properly. The next aspect of our livesinvolves our work, where we are to be “useful” through ourconstructive creativeness. We perform tasks which serve theadvancement of our kind in a certain way. Finally, we have our freetime which we may occupy as we wish, either by doing absolutelynothing and rest or by implementing some enjoyable things into ourempty schedule, having hobbies and entertaining ourselves. All theseaspects need to be in balance in order for us to function properly.However, sometimes, due to an injury or some similar problem, somepeople experience being unable to fully live up to their dailyoccupations. This is where occupational therapy plays an importantrole, helping people restore these balances in their lives.
Occupational Therapy Helping theYoungest among Us
There are many children with bothphysical and mental disabilities, which can find help throughoccupational therapy. Namely, these are children with autism,paralysis and other issues of this type. The role of occupationaltherapists is to make these children capable of doing all thenecessary things mentioned above, later in life. Therefore, eventhough many might compare occupational therapy to a physical one,there are differences, especially in the application of thepsychological factor as well.
The main things occupational therapystrives for, is regaining the mobility and functionality of thepatient, making him/her capable of living normally and being a memberof the society capable of contributing to it. What is more, thesetherapists will try and find out the child's affinities towardsdifferent aspects of life. Therefore, if a child is interested infootball, various strength trainings and practices, graduallyincreasing in intensity, it will be introduced until the child is madecapable of indulging into the desired activities with fullfunctionality. The same method goes for science, art and whicheveraspect of life a child is interested in. Therefore, an occupationaltherapist's job is quite versatile, but very humane and productive.
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