How does Intelligender work?
First things first! Intelligender works from 10 weeks gestation, and the manufacturers say that women wanting to try this test should refrain from having sexual intercourse for 48 prior to doing the Intelligender urine test. Why? Because Intelligender works through Ph variance.
Are there any cons?
Yes, there are! The manufacturers of Intelligender admit themselves that the test is mainly designed to be fun, and "bridge the curiosity gap" that many couples face when they really would like to find out whether they are expecting a girl or a boy, but are not yet going for an ultrasound or it is too early to tell. You can read more about a recent study about the accuracy of various home tests including Intelligender in our previous article, How reliable are home fertility tests? The conclusion is clear when the folks who make Intelligender say that the test is just for fun, they're right. At around $30 a go, it's not such a cheap bit of fun either. If you want to try it, have fun but don't run out to the shops to buy lots of pink or blue baby stuff, because Intelligender might be wrong. I doubt they'd refund clothes bought in the "wrong" color. Stick to gender neutral stuff if you must go and buy things!
- Photo courtesy of manufacturer by official site: www.intelligender.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/gendertest.png
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