Almost every child develops some scalp problem at least once in life. Even though the scalp problems that occur in children are curable in the majority of cases, these problems can be quite annoying and irritable for the child since they cause itching most of the time. The parents should check their children regularly so that the proper treatment should be carried out in time, if needed.
Common scalp problems in children
A scalp problem that frequently occurs in children is head lice. The lice are miniature insects that infect the head and cause uncomfortable itching since these tiny insects suck the blood from the head. Once they get to the head, they multiple very fast because they lay the eggs. The most typical sign of this scalp problem is itching. The lice can be spread to other people easily and therefore, this problem should be treated instantly with certain lice shampoos.Cradle cap is another scalp problem that appears frequently in children. This scalp disorder usually appears in newborns and it is medically called infantile seborrheic dermatitis. It is a type of eczema and is manifests through the outbreak of small brown and yellow patches and crusts on the scalp. The parents should not be afraid when they notice this kind of patches on their baby’s scalp since they do not represent the symptoms of some serious disorder and can be cured easily by applying the olive oil on the baby’s head and leaving it for a night. In the morning, the scales can be removed with a comb.Atopic dermatitis is also one of the eczema types. It causes the skin to become very itching, and the outbreak of red boils is quite common when this scalp problem is in question. Since the itching is almost unbearable, the babies are scratching all the time, thus causing the scratching marks, which can further result in the occurrence of staph infection affecting the scalp, but the neck as well. Even though there are certain natural remedies for the treatment of atopic eczema, it is recommended to take the baby to the doctor who will prescribe the proper treatment.Other scalp disorders in children are dandruff and hair loss. While dandruff is cured easily by using the adequate anti-dandruff shampoos, the treatment of hair loss depends on the causative factor, since the child can start to lose the hair due to iron deficiency anemia or due to alopecia areata. Scalp ringworm infection is also very common in children.
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