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Endometriosis is a condition in which the endometrium, the tissue that lines the uterus to enable the implantation of embryos, grows in other places. The fallopian tubes, ovaries, intestines and bladder are commonly affected by endometriosis. Women with endometriosis can develop cysts, scar tissue, and lesions. The condition can, perhaps not surprisingly, lead to infertility. What can you do to get pregnant if you have endometriosis?

Endometriosis, also known by its "pet name" endo, has a whole spectrum. Whether you will be able to get pregnant naturally depends on whether you have mild or severe endometriosis. In some cases, pregnancy will not come with difficulty. In other cases, trying to get pregnant more than one year may actually be the very thing that leads you to find out you suffer from endo. Abnormal tissue growth and scar tissue can be removed surgically through a laparascopic operation, either traditionally or with laser.

Whether you have a mild, moderate or severe case of endometriosis, research has shown that it is most likely that you will get pregnant within a year of completing this treatment. Tissues tend to grow again, as endometriosis flares up there is no definite cure. Therefore it is a good idea to focus your efforts trying to get pregnant on the period after completing treatment.

Some women with endometriosis are offered fertility medications, or artificial insemination (IUI) or IVF treatment to conceive. This option is especially appropriate for those who did not get pregnant within a year of treatment they received. If you have questions about ways to get pregnant with endometriosis, it is best to talk to your healthcare provider before you try to get pregnant. Together, you can come up with the best strategy for success a strategy that is different for every woman with endometriosis.

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