Caffeine Characteristics
Most of us knows and cherishes all thebenefits a cup of coffee can grant us once we are drowsy and sleepyin the morning. The first coffee seems to be able to awake us andset us into motion, boosting our concentration and productivity.However, too much of anything is not a good thing, and coffeeconsumption may be dangerous if applied excessively. Moreover, if youreach a state of being unable to function correctly without coffeeyou are probably addicted to caffeine. This psychoactive substancemay be harmful for your health on the long run. Nevertheless, onceaddicted, if you make a clean break and stop your intake of caffeinecompletely, you are bound to experience some of many withdrawalsymptoms. Like with most drugs, quitting caffeine is hard and theprocess may trigger many unwanted side-effects. Nausea, vomiting,chronic fatigue, heartburn, constipation, and diarrhea are just someof these withdrawal symptoms related to the psychoactive substancementioned above.
Additional Withdrawal Symptoms
Apart for the previously mentioned,those who quit drinking coffee rapidly may experience sleep depravityor disorders related to sleeping, headaches, mood swings, anxietyattacks, depression, concentration issues and many other symptoms inthe first couple of days during their caffeine abstinence. Thewithdrawal period may last up to 9 days, having all of the symptomsmentioned above, along with many others.
Possible Treatment for CaffeineWithdrawal
First and foremost, taking intoconsideration the fact that all the withdrawal symptoms of caffeineare triggered by an abrupt cessation of intake, there are severalthings you may do to decrease the severity of the cleansing processof your body. You can decrease your caffeine intake gradually,drinking less and less every day. This will reduce the withdrawalside-effects greatly.
Secondly, you need to drink sufficientamounts of water in order to help your organism eject all thecaffeine leftovers more easily. Alternatively, to satisfy yourcravings you might occasionally drink a decaffeinated beveragetasting like coffee. Finally, headaches and other painful symptomsmay all be reduced by taking some painkiller medications.
Additionally, make sure you eat welland provide your body physical activity. Eat food rich in vitamins,minerals and proteins, in smaller portions consumed 5-6 times a day.As for exercising, do it regularly since it may help you reduce anytroublesome withdrawal symptoms pestering you. Physical activity mayalso boost your metabolism, speeding up the process of ejectingcaffeine from your system.
All this being said, you are able tofree yourself from your caffeine addiction. All you need is abundanceof will power and good tactics like these mentioned above.
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