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Introduction to insect bite rashes

Insect bites can range in the way they cause reactions. Some of them are mildly irritating while others can cause serious problems and very strong allergic reactions. It is important to be able to know how to identify what kind of insect bite has occurred in order to treat it properly.

For example, fire ant bites will result in blisters filled with a white liquid, while gnat bites and mosquito bites involve a visible hole and skin irritation.

When the bites cause itching, there are some methods that can be used to treat most of them. When a person is bitten by a bug, it is most important to first clean the affected area with alcohol and antibacterial soap in order to kill off the microbes on the skin that could infect the bite further.

This will also soothe and cool the skin as well.

Also, it is best not to scratch the bite, no matter how itchy it gets. Instead, apply some ice on it to decrease the discomfort. Antihistamines can also be used to soothe the itching as well.

When bed bug bites are in question, they will not be itchy, but there will be small and flat red spots on the skin.

Not only will there be itching, but rashes also occur. These can be very troublesome and painful. Rashes are usually red, itchy and have bumps when they are the result of an insect bite.

There are ways to identify what kind of insects bit a person by looking at the rash. Types of bug bite rashes

When a bed bug bites a person, the rash will form as large circles in orderly rows. It will be red and itchy as well. The itching usually starts about an hour after the bite, because that is how long it usually takes for the body to react to the bug’s saliva that was injected into it.

The rash can appear as a single swollen bump and then spread, which causes the loss of skin tissue. There will also be localized blisters and inflamed red bumps.

The bumps will stay swollen for several days but they will eventually fade away, even without any particular treatment.

When a person gets a rash from a mosquito bite, this means that they have suffered a fairly severe reaction. The rash will look like a blister or a bruise, and there will be redness and itching as well.

When a person has an allergic reaction to a mosquito bite it is usually referred to as Skeeter Syndrome, which could also result in serious allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis, urticaria and angioedema or asthma symptoms.

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