Information on Allergic Reactions
Insect stings can often be associated with certain types ofallergic reactions. The list of harmful insects usually includes bees, fireants, wasps, hornets and yellow jackets. Sometimes a normal reaction to aninsect sting may be mistaken for an allergic reaction and the severity of theactual allergic reaction usually varies from person to person.
Three differenttypes of reactions to an insect sting include allergic, localized and normalreactions. Local reaction involves swelling that affects the areas that areeven beyond the sting site.
Normal reaction can be characterized by swelling,redness and painful sensations around the affected area. There are numeroussymptoms that can be affiliated with allergic reactions triggered by an insectsting and they may or may not include difficulty breathing, itching, swollenface, warmth at the affected area, swollen throat, pimple spots, swollen mouth,redness, wheezing, painful sensations, difficulty swallowing, unconsciousness,restlessness, cardiac arrest, anxiety, shock, faster heart rate and a suddendrop in blood pressure.
Allergic reactions may even be fatal in some cases.
Treatment and Prevention
The first that needs to be done after an insect sting is toremove the stinger as soon as possible because it contains the harmful venom.It should be removed with an object that has stiff edges, such as a credit card.The area needs to be washed with water and soap and an antiseptic medicationneeds to be applied topically to the affected area.
It is also recommended toapply some sort of a soothing ointment such as Calamine lotion orhydrocortisone cream to the affected area. The affected area then needs to becovered with a sterile bandage. Swelling can be resolved by applying coldcompresses or ice packs to the affected areas. Itching and hives may be treatedby antihistamine medicaments, while the painful sensations need to be relievedby using a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicament.
Allergic sting reactionsneed to be treated by epinephrine which needs to be administered by means of aninjection. Sometimes there is need for intravenous administration of oxygen,fluids and certain other types of treatment. Insect nests need to be avoided.It is also wise to wear long-sleeved clothes and avoid wearing bright colorsand perfumes.
One can also carry and epinephrine sting kit because it may saveone’s life when a severe allergic reaction occurs. Allergic reactions may beprevented by using one of the numerous different types of allergy shots.
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