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As we grow older, our memory gets less detailed, as well as our capability to remember new things. However, this should not imply that we are expected to suffer from short term memory loss, which stands for inability to remember information which is to be used right away.

Namely, we have all the data we have learned stored in our long term memory, from where we can restore it and use it whenever we please. However, we use our short term memory to remember things for only a couple of minutes, after which we forget them. If we are unable to do this, we need to seek medical assistance since this can be a sign of a serious health issue.

Facts about Memory Loss

Basically, memory loss stands for our inability to store new memories or recall old ones. This condition is often called amnesia. So, we can either be incapable of remembering something from the distant past or something we have just experienced. Based on the underlying causes of these memory issues, memory loss can be temporary or permanent, as well as sudden or gradual. Usually, affected people cannot remember some events from the long gone past or recent events. Rarely, people can be unable to recall any possible memory for a short time. This is called transient amnesia. We also have anterograde amnesia, when the sufferer cannot remember the events happening after a certain trauma while memory of older events remains intact. Alternatively, some people suffer from retrograde amnesia, when they cannot remember anything before the trauma.

Illnesses and Memory Loss

Stress can trigger many health issues, among which there is also memory loss. Namely, once we get stressed out, we become depressed and depression deprives us of our brain cell growth and development. This negative process increases with time.

Also, women in their menopause tend to suffer from memory loss due to hormonal imbalance affecting their bodies. There are many other causes of memory loss. Some of these can be medications like antidepressants, antipsychotics, sleeping pills and even painkillers. Disipal, Kemadrin, Procyclidine and Blocadren can also trigger memory loss in people.

Treatment for Short Term Memory Loss

Our short term memory can hold up to 9 different items. Also, when we pay more attention to some items from our short term memory, we are likely to transfer these into our long term memory.

People who experience short or long term memory loss need to cut back on their drug or alcohol consumption. Alternatively, they can keep a journal of their previous actions, having a better insight into their recent past, boosting their short term memory this way. Additionally, you need to ensure regular and sufficient sleep in order for your memory to work in an optimal way.

Finally, bear in mind that using certain words in sentences, especially when said loudly, helps you maintain this information in your memory for a longer period of time. Stay physically active and keep your brain busy as much as you can. Ultimately, avoid stress and react as soon as your long or short term memory gets lost or affected in any way by seeking proper medical attention timely.

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