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Ovarian cysts can be divided into two main types, namely harmless ovarian cysts and malignant or cancerous tumors. Each type of ovarian cysts requires different treatment approach.

Treatment for Ovarian Cysts

Majority of ovarian cysts are actually functional cysts that form around the end of the menstrual cycle and resolve on their own when ovulation takes place. On the other hand, prompt medical treatment is needed when ovarian cysts block the blood supply to the ovary or when ovarian cysts are found to be malignant.

Today, many women opt for alternative treatment for ovarian cysts instead of traditional treatment options. Alternative treatment for ovarian cysts includes herbal remedies, antioxidant supplements, homeopathic cures prepared of plant and animal extracts and diet that limits red meat consumption.

Alternative medicine can be of help in relieving the symptoms and preventing further growth of ovarian cysts. However, alternative treatments cannot actually cure the condition completely. Thereby, a patient must also receive treatment given by licensed health care providers. Following are some of the common treatment options for ovarian cysts:

Birth Control Pills

Hormonal therapy is frequently used in treatment of ovarian cysts. Oral contraceptive pills contain condensed progesterone and estrogen and help to regulate menstrual cycle of women. Birth control pills prevent formation of future ovarian cysts as they prevent release of eggs. Birth control pills are recommended to women with family or personal history of ovarian cysts in order to treat and prevent growth of the cysts.


Cystectomy is a surgical procedure to remove a part of the whole of the bladder, gallbladder or the cysts found in the pelvic area, such as ovarian cysts. Cystectomy is mainly used for treatment of bladder cancer but benign ovarian cysts can be also effectively treated this way. Cystectomy allows a surgeon to remove the cyst without affecting a woman’s fertility as the ovaries remain intact. However, malignant ovarian cysts cannot be treated with cystectomy.


Oophorectomy also known as orchiectomy is a surgical procedure to remove one or both ovarian cysts. This procedure is considered as the final treatment option for ovarian cysts because it causes a woman to lose the ability to have children. Oophorectomy is performed when ovarian cysts are malignant.

Holistic Approach

All treatment options mentioned above effectively eliminate the cysts and the symptoms but do not actually address the root cause of problem. However, holistic approach helps to eliminate the causes such as psychological, behavioral, biochemical and nutritional factors that contribute to development of ovarian cysts. Also, holistic approach helps to improve fertility, reduce the risk of miscarriage, clear up acne, eliminate unwanted hair, relieve depression, regulate menstrual cycle and deal with other problems related to ovarian cysts.

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