Facts and insights
For all those people who did not have time to inform more about antioxidants and their benefits to the human body, a short description is provided in the following lines, together with all the most relevant characteristics and functions of antioxidants. These substances belong to the category of nutrients and can be readily found in the food we eat. Their most important function is to prevent or decrease the rate of oxidative damage that can affect our bodies. In addition to this, they are regarded as extremely health beneficial substances and therefore, they are more than welcome in peoples’ diet. Another evident benefit is that they have the ability to deactivate free radicals, which are known to be quite damaging to the body by harming the cells and the DNA as well. A much severe implication involves the potential of free radicals to induce specific severe illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, macular degeneration, diabetes and numerous other health related issues.
Those diets that abound in antioxidants have proven to be quite effective in keeping various diseases and illnesses at bay and away from the body. One of the quite recently conducted research studies has discovered that five servings of fruits and vegetables have the potential to diminish the risk of stroke by astonishing 25%. And such benefits as this one make antioxidants essential parts of our diets.
The best among antioxidants
Most prominent for their benefits are vitamins C and vitamin E, which are known to shield the body from the ill effect of the free radicals. The latter is regarded as one of the most powerful chain-breaking antioxidants present. The cluster of benefits includes protection against various cardiovascular diseases by way of prevention of bad cholesterol hardening and turning into plaque, which clogs the arteries. The former mighty antioxidant is extremely effective in fighting against the formation of free radicals induced by cigarette smoke and pollution in general.
As far as the most abundant sources are concerned, these include various fruits and vegetables and such food varieties as nuts, certain meats, grains, fish and poultry. In addition, antioxidants in the form of vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium and beta-carotene can be readily acquired from a wide range of food sources such as:
citrus fruits,tomatoes,red, green and yellow peppers,dark green vegetable varieties,dark leafy green vegetables,pineapple,vegetable oils,nuts,legumes,brown rice,whole grains,seafood,dairy,poultry,Brazil nuts,garlic,onion,wheat germ,carrots,red and yellow peppers,sweet potatoes,broccoli,mango.
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