Suicide around Us
Suicide is one of the most commoncauses of deaths in the world, constantly increasing in number due tothe global rise of depression. As people grow hopeless and depressedby all the hardships affecting our world, many people decide to endtheir lives rather than to hope that tomorrow will be better.
In fact, women are those who attemptsuicide the most. Nevertheless, men are higher in success rates sincethey usually use more courageous ways of self-murder, throughinhaling carbon monoxide, hanging themselves or shooting themselvesin the head, while women usually drink excessive amount of sleepingpills or slit their wrists.
Either way, people from 15 to 24 arethe group most prone to suicidal tendencies. Also, certain countrieshave more suicides than the rest of the world. The leaders insuicidal cases are Japan, Denmark, Hungary and Germany, while peoplein Greece, Spain, Egypt and Mexico appreciate their lives more andhave the lowest suicidal rates on the Planet.
As it was mentioned above, depressionremains to be the greatest cause of suicide among people. Therefore,this problem should be further looked into since it has taken toomany lives as it is. The world should consider itself guilty forcausing so many members of the human society to end their own lifebefore their time. This can be a sign of something being wrong withthe way we live and the hardship of life in general. We should stopand look around us in order to find answers and change the world soas to keep our fellow humans with us for as long as possible.
Suicidal Triggers and Characteristics
Apart from depression, poverty,financial problems in general and relationship issues manifestingthrough loneliness, marriage or work problems all contribute to thehigh number of suicides in the world. Before people reach this,final, line, they usually indulge in alcohol and drug consumption inorder to escape from the harsh reality.
Even though many of us know thatserotonin levels and hereditary factors all influence one's pronenessto suicide, recent discoveries have connected low cholesterol to thisproblem. In fact, low cholesterol is connected to nutrition whichthen triggers aggressive behavior and lack of serotonin produced.This chain reaction can easily lead to outbursts of anger towardsothers and oneself.
Finally, we might all simply needsomething to believe in. This world is a disappointment on its ownand love, compassion and caring are all long lost notions. Perhaps weare the main cause of our own suicide. Then, it is us who have tochange, in order to keep ourselves from leaving this worldprematurely.
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