Anxiety is characterized by feeling of the tension, nervousness, worry and sense of threat of danger. Anxious people are usually anticipating tragedy. Normal anxiety is usual and frequently present in lives of people but when it becomes intense and persistent it interferes with person’s daily functioning and sleep pattern. Anxiety frequently occurs without obvious and rational cause. Anxiety of very serious degree or severe anxiety disorder is a mental disease and often associated with anxiety depression.
Causes of Anxiety
Anxiety is a condition that can develop due to different reasons. It is connected to physical, mental, emotional, psychological and medical state of an individual. Some people are more susceptible to anxiety than the others. Stress is often a trigger for anxiety but there are other triggers as well. Women are twice as likely to develop anxiety to men and this disorder commonly begins when people are in their 20’s. Typical causes for developing anxiety include the following: stress at work, school or home, family problems, financial problems, emotional shock, serious illnesses, drug or alcohol abuse, side effects of drugs and withdrawal from illegal drugs.
Types of Anxiety DisorderThere are various types of anxiety disorder:Panic disorder. It is characterized by repeated panic attacks with associated psychological and physical symptoms. Usually there is a feeling of restlessness, abnormal heartbeat, upset stomach, dizziness and shortness of breath.Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Anxiety symptoms are present most of the time and often accompanied with phobias and depression.Obsessive compulsive disorder. Relatively rare disorder which is characterized by obsessive thoughts and repetitive actions based on obsessive thoughts.Phobic disorder. This disorder represents extreme fear of certain things such as insects, closed or open spaces, blood, crowd and other.Separation anxiety disorder. This disorder commonly occurs among children when they have a fear of possible separation from their parents.Stress-related disorders. They are typically caused by major stressful events related to professional or personal areas of life.Symptoms of Severe Anxiety
Person can experience anxiety in various ways. Physician should evaluate severity of the disorder and choose appropriate treatment. Psychological and physical symptoms that are usually present include following: agitation, inner tension, fear of losing control, anticipating tragedy, lack of focus, headache, chest tightness, dry mouth, jaw pain, sweating, bloating, dizziness, nausea, racing heart beat (palpitation), indigestion, upset stomach, sleeping disorders, irritability, fatigue, shortness of breath, cold and hot flashes, claustrophobia, tremor, weakness, an urge to urinate, ringing in the head or ear, grinding teeth, temporary blindness, hallucinations, chocking, feeling of detachment, irrationality and tingling of the spine.
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