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According to certain studies, anxiety disorder and symptoms are the biggest health problem in the United States. There are various disorders and some are more severe than others. Anxiety mainly hits people in their 20s. However, there are cases when children are seen to be suffering from it as well. There is still not enough proof on how much children are affected with it because there are not enough reports on that subject.

Anxiety disorders in children

In many cases of anxiety in children, these cases are usually overlooked or misjudged even though they can be treated with proper and persistent medical care. Even though anxiety disorders are considered to be adult problems, people need to know that the first signs of anxiety actually appear during the childhood. In most cases these symptoms are ignored when seen in a child and that only leads to the development of anxiety when a person becomes older.

Symptoms of anxiety disorders

There are not that many people who are not aware that anxiety is a feeling of fear, worry, distress and apprehension. It is considered to be natural for people to experience these feeling from time to time and in some situations. However, a person who cannot control them and suffers from them almost daily is considered to be suffering from an anxiety disorder. People should know that there are two most common components of anxiety. They are physical sensations like nausea and sweating, and the emotions like nervousness and fear. In cases of severe anxiety, a child’s thinking, perception of environment, learning and concentration may be affected. Anxiety is known to raise the blood pressure and heart rate and a person will experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain and shortness of breath in those situations.

Types of anxiety disorders

There are several anxiety disorders and they are generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsion disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, acute stress disorder, social phobia, specific phobia, adjustment disorder with anxiety, anxiety because of a general medical condition, drug-induced anxiety disorder and anxiety disorder not otherwise specified.

Generalized anxiety disorder

This anxiety disorder is thought of as a feeling of too much worry, apprehension and it will happen to a person many times during a period of half a year or more that involves concern over a number of activities or events. During that time, a person will experience restlessness, fatigue, poor concentration, irritability, muscle tension and restless sleep.

Panic disorder

First of all, people need to know that this is not the same as a panic attack. A person suffering from a panic disorder will suffer from an attack within 10 minutes and they will go away after half an hour or less. Some of the known symptoms are sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea, dizziness, faintness and fear of dying.

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