Given the fact that each and every one of us is by nature different, physically as well as physiologically, this accounts for the fact that our body and we reactdifferently to different conditions and diseases. With some, the symptoms are of more severe nature, whereas in others these symptoms are not just milder but also occurs less frequently, sometimes even just once and after that they’re gone for good. The same goes for anxiety – condition which is characterized by particular emotional states, which further influences the well being of a person in question in a rather negative way. The main problem with this condition is that it actually represents person’s response to a subjective and imagined danger, and not to a real treat.
Sometimesthe symptoms, which follow this condition, occur in a greater number while sometimes occurrence of only one is possible. The most commonly present symptoms are problematic allergies with rapid growth in intensity, tension, overt pressure, stiffness, appearance of the sore spots all of a sudden, but besides these are also frequent loss of face color and paleness, suddenly intense body trembles and shivers, sudden rise and fall of the body temperature, burning sensation on the surface of the skin and increased sensitivity, but choking, pain in the front chest area, fever and chills, inability to talk properly and coordination difficulties when it comes to mouth and the tongue, too much energy, spasmodic muscular contractions, feeling as if about to fall or faint, or as if you have come done with a severe cold or flu are possible too. Among the ones of more serious nature, we find arrhythmias, hyperactivity, sex drive variations (from up to down and reverse), muscle spasms, queasiness followed by vomiting, becoming numb, splitting headache and related pain, intense sweating, twitching, urinary incontinence, etc.
Whenwe break the symptoms down and analyze them in terms of special area they affect, we find that the first to be hit are our chest. Namely, what happens are trembling and vibrating sensations in this area, intense pain and awkwardness, difficulty breathing properly, constant feeling of lack of oxygen, irregular heart beats and skipping of the beats. Puttingphysiology aside, when we analyze emotions and all related to them, we discover the following when anxiety is in question: paranoia-like fear, related to opinions others around you have about you, claustrophobia-like fear, fear when in public place, fear of dying and losing control, gloomy thoughts about you losing your mind and going crazy etc. Whatalso gets to easily “infected” with anxiety is our senses, because we tend to experience moments of impaired hearing, or we think that our hearing is blocked by something situated inside the ear, presence of drumming inside the ear and other unidentifiable sounds. Thekey to overcoming this condition might be in trying to find at least one or two hours daily, to relax and contemplate about your day, or talk with your partner about your problems and your fears.
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