Ruptured ovarian cyst
A woman who became sexually active early should practice regular check-up at her gynecologist since there are many conditions that affect the female reproductive system that can be only detected during these check-ups. The growth of ovarian cysts is said to be a common condition in women. In the majority of cases, the ovarian cysts are just benign, but they may also cause many discomforts and many complications if they are not timely treated.
When the ovarian cyst ruptures, it can lead to the serious problems. There are various types of ovarian cysts, and once the condition is diagnosed, the woman should be informed well about the type of ovarian cysts that she suffers from, as well as on how to prevent the rupture and how to cure the condition. Furthermore, she should also be informed about the symptoms that indicate the rupture of the ovarian cyst.
The symptoms of ruptures ovarian cysts
When the ovarian cyst ruptures, it does not mean that it is larger in size than the normal ovarian cyst, since the size of a ruptured ovarian cyst and a normal one is almost identical. The main difference is in the intensity of the symptoms that appear. The women who are not teenagers anymore and who have irregular menstrual cycle marked by piercing pain in the pelvis when menstruation occurs should be concerned about their health since it can be an indicator of the presence of an ovarian cyst.
The ruptured ovarian cyst will cause sharp pain in the pelvic area, as well as in the thighs and low back, before and during menstruation but also after the menstruation stops. Furthermore, if the woman feels a pain in the pelvis when having a sexual intercourse, it may also be a sign of a ruptured ovarian cyst. Frequent urination and the inability to empty the bladder completely are also the symptoms of the ruptured ovarian cyst, since it makes excess pressure on the bladder.
When a woman experiences vaginal bleeding outside of menstruation, then she should immediately visit a doctor since it can be a sign of some serious condition, such as ruptured ovarian cyst. The vaginal bleeding that occurs as a result of ruptured ovarian cyst may be either heavier orlighter. Other potential warning signs of ruptured ovarian cyst are nausea, vomiting and fainting, as well as many other symptoms that are very similar to those characteristic for pregnancy. Insulin resistance and the general feeling of poor health may also be the indicators for the ruptured ovarian cysts.
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