Common symptoms and signs of brain tumors are not so specific. They usually mimic other diseases. But in lot of cases they are so clear and serious that they almost instantly require hospitalization and immediate examination in order for the diagnosis to be established. They can be prolonged allowing patient to adjust them up to the limit. These tumors are not so frequent. Because of that physicians tend not to have suspect laid on this type of tumor. The rate of diagnosis is increasing.
The symptoms vary due to location of the tumor and its size. The size is not connected to the symptoms as much as the location. Even extremely small tumors in specific area can lead to serious malfunctions. To sum up symptoms depend on the affected area.
Almost half of all patients experience headaches. In general, headaches are more often related to some other conditions. In brain tumors headaches are connected with increased intracranial pressure. These headaches are mainly resistant to classic pain killers and last quite long. Sometimes they can be located while other times they include the entire cranium described as pressure like when somebody is squeezing your head.
Vomiting is common sign. It is a result of increased intracranial pressure. Because of this there is no nausea and one vomits without any pre warning signs.
Seizures are present at around two thirds of all patients before the diagnose is set. They can lead to loss of consciousness. The seizures are specific signs of epilepsy but they have to be taken seriously as a possible result of the tumor growth.
Mood or personality changes can occur. People ill with brain tumors may laugh at something not funny at all or develop paranoia or social decline.
Cognitive decline is reduction of processing of the brain. If one finds it difficult to complete some simple tasks this must be reported to the doctor. Concentration is reduced and memory loss may be evident.
If tumor affects nerves or areas in charge with vision or hearing the following happens: visual and hearing disturbances occur, vision can become blurred, one may be experiencing ringing in the head or the hearing may be lost for good.
Physical changes involve complete or partial weakness of one side of the body. This is typical for stroke but be ware for it is very common for brain tumors as well. Loss of balance, stumbling and uncoordinated movements are also possible.
Speech may change so that slurring of the words or mispronouncing can occur. Speech may be slower and what that person says usually does not make sense. Even he/she may be aware of that. For them it can be quite frustrating.
Having any of this symptoms or signs does not necessary mean one has brain tumor. It means that he/she should visit the doctor for only doctor can confirm or exclude the presence of brain tumor. There is great chance that the symptoms are related to other condition rather than brain tumor.
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