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The pineal gland is located deep within the brain. About 1% of all brain tumors arise in the pineal gland. There are about seventeen types of tumor that can occur in this area, many of which are discovered to be benign. The most common of these types of tumor are gliomas, germ cell and pineal cell tumors. The cause of pineal tumors has yet to be completely identified.


The most commonly seen symptoms of this type of tumor are nausea, vomiting, seizures, headache, memory disturbances and visual changes. With regard to the latter, visual changes can lead to an inability to focus on objects, double vision and impairment of the movement of the eyes. Some will experience general weakness and loss of sensation both the arms and the legs. One might experience difficulties with walking and a lack of co-ordination. Hearing difficulties, such as ringing or buzzing in the ears, might also occur. Drowsiness is another possible symptom. For some people, there may be a visible change in speech patterns, or even changes in terms of personality and behavior. Memory capacity might suffer as a result of the presence of a brain tumor.

In some cases, intracranial pressure caused by the tumor can require urgent treatment. These symptoms may resolve after the successful treatment of the tumor.

Diagnosis and treatment

Often, it can be difficult to diagnose brain tumors. This is because the symptoms that manifest are similar to symptoms of a variety of other medical conditions. Further to this, symptoms might develop slowly and gradually over a extended period. One might also experience numbness in the legs or the arms. In terms of headache, this is an important symptom with regard to the diagnosis of a tumor. Pressure from the growth of the tumor is often the cause of a headache, and it is reported that as many as half of all brain tumors result in headaches.

Only doctors are capable of making a correct diagnosis when it comes to a brain tumor, so consult a medical practitioner as soon as possible if you notice the symptoms that have been indicated earlier. Don’t delay in consulting a doctor if this is the case, as these symptoms can also point to other brain problems such as stroke.

In terms of treatment for this condition, surgery will be essential. The pathologist will require a tissue sample in order to correctly diagnose the condition. Upon proper diagnosis, the medical team can begin to decide on an appropriate plan of action. Benign tumors can be surgically removed. With regard to malignant tumors, the germinoma type is the most common. This type of tumor has a 90% success rate when it comes to treatment. Chemotherapy might be necessary in the case of some types of brain tumors.

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