One of the most frequent chronic respiratory system disorders is the asthma. It is a condition marked by the inflamed bronchial tubes. The inflammation of the bronchial tubes has for the consequence difficulty while breathing due to the swollen and constricted bronchial tubes.
Causes of asthma
Asthma is a condition that can be inherited, because there are certain genes that are responsible for its occurrence. Furthermore, it can be triggered by certain environmental and chemical factors. The most common causes for the occurrence of asthma are common cold, flu, pollens, allergies to food or to certain medicines, and dust mites. Asthma may also be triggered by dust and cigarette smokes, as well as by the exercises practiced in dry and cold air. In case when a person is exposed to some of the above-mentioned causes, the body’s immune system secretes the antibodies and histamines, which can lead to the inflammation of the airways.
Asthma attack
Asthma attack is also known as asthma exacerbation. It is induced by the inflammation of the bronchial tubes, which become narrow. The bronchial tubes may also become clogged when the inflamed tissue produces thick and sticky mucus. When this mucus builds up in the lungs, the person has problems with breathing. Furthermore, the airways become constricted because of the tightened muscles around them.
Asthma attack is a condition whose most frequent causes are upper respiratory infections, inhaling dry and cold air and gastroesophageal reflux disease. Furthermore, this disorder may be triggered by various allergens like pets, mold, pollens and dust mites, as well as by cigarette smoke.
Symptoms of asthma attack
Asthma attack can be acute and can have symptoms that usually vary in duration and severity. In the beginning, the symptoms such as headaches, difficulty in breathing and talking, sleeplessness and chronic cough, as well as tightness in the chest and wheezing, may appear. When one notices some of these symptoms, it is important to go to a doctor in order to prevent the severe asthma attack.
Mild asthma attacks are more frequent than severe ones, and they can be treated in a couple of hours. On the other hand, the warning signs of severe asthma attacks develop slowly over time. The symptoms of this condition are very serious and can be even life-threatening. The most common are rapid heartbeat, breathlessness, nasal flaring and the pain in the chest. Furthermore, a feeling of anxiety and severe drowsiness are also some of the symptoms of severe asthma attack.
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