Allergies are abnormal reaction to certain substances in our environment, called allergens. Our body protective system mistakes them for bacteria, tries to attack them, producing symptoms called allergic reaction. Sneezing and fevers can all be happening during asthma attack. Depending of time of the year, symptoms may be stronger oreasier.
Dust mite allergies can be caused by tiny particles of dust in you house. The proteins in the dust mites attack your respiratory passages, producing the symptoms of asthma, difficulty to breath, watering eyes, and high fever. Also inflammation of your airways in your lungs may occur as a result of white blood cells in your body attacking infection in your lungs. As a result of inflammation, your airways are getting narrower, producing asthma attacks.
There are some known risk factors and symptoms for asthma cases, like diet, environment and genetic predisposition, and they can be:
Weather conditions
Can affect and provoke your asthma attack. Cold or damp weather are one of these conditions.
They reside in our environment, ether at home or outside. Outside allergens, beside pollutants are weather related, in some times of the year pollen and other allergens may cause asthma attack. In cases of our home, we must try to find to sort of allergens that provokes the attacks, and try to replace or remove them. Animal fur or cigarette’s smoke is the prime suspects.
In cases of family history of asthma, eczema or hay fever, you chances for asthma attacks are bigger. Also if you had a bronchiolitis (common lung infection in children), as a child, if you develop another atopic condition, been born prematurely or with low birth weight, if your mother smoked in pregnancy, or after you were born; these are all factors that can contribute to you having an asthma attacks latter in life.
Respiratory infections
Chest and airways infections are also some of external factors that can trigger the asthma attacks. These respiratory infections may be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi or parasites.
Emotional factors
Stress or excessive laughing may sometimes cause the asthma attacks.
Foods with sulphites
Types of drinks or food that contains preservation ingredient called sulphite may be one of the causes of asthma attacks. Some of these food and drinks are wine, beer, shrimp and many pre cooked meals.
Pain killer drugs known as anti inflammatory non steroid class of drugs or NSAIDs, of which Aspirin or ibuprofen are most well known, can be the cause of asthma attacks. Also high blood pressure medicaments called beta blockers can also trigger asthma attacks.
Complications of asthma can be many, like problems with work performance, a diminished quality of life, fatigue, stress or depression, and several respiratory complications, such as collapse of part of the lung, pneumonia or infection of the lungs or respiratory failure.
If you need advice or support about your problems with asthma attacks, there are numerous charity and support organization for you to choose from.
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