Swollen feet and the most common causes
Building up of the fluid in various parts of the body is notat all uncommon and it can occur due to various reasons. Surely, it is notnecessarily a sign of some serious condition, but the fact is that it can be anindicator of some potentially very dangerous disease and exactly for thatreason, this problem should not be ignored. Generally, when people walk orstand a lot, it is very likely that some slight swelling in the lower part of thelegs will be experienced, but it is not a reason for concern as long as weightgaining and shortness of breath do not accompany it.
As for the swelling that occurs in feet, besides diseases ormalfunctioning of the heart, liver or kidneys, there is a number of otherpossible causes. If a person follows a diet high in salt and carbohydrates, or ifthey are prone to laxative, diuretic, or drug abuse, this problem can occureasily. People who take hormones either in the form of birth control pills or throughthe hormone replacement therapy are also at risk of experiencing swollen feet,and the same goes for women who are pregnant or in PMS. Swelling of feet is oneof the symptoms of neuromuscular disorders, allergies, injuries to themuscle or preeclampsia, but it can also occur due to a number of disordersrelated to blood vessels. Whichever the cause, it is necessary to do somethingabout it, because otherwise, serious skin ulcers might appear.
Can it be treated and how?
The problem can be treated, but it primarily depends on thecause, which is why it is important to identify it. Besides anti-inflammatory medications,which help in decreasing the swelling, what might also help is elevating theleg or both legs at the level above the heart, wearing support socks andstockings, as well as appropriate shoes and leg wedges over night (whilesleeping). As for some additional advice that everyone can try regardless ofthe cause, drinking plenty of water and reducing the intake of salt are amongthe first things that should be tried out. Regular exercising and avoiding the situations that require standing or sitting for a long time might also be useful, because it improvescirculation of the blood. People who have problems with excess weight shouldtry to reduce it, because that way the pressure on the veins will be reduced aswell.
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