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Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is definitely the most embarrassing problem a man has to face with. It is actually an inability of a man to sustain erection and this has huge impact on both of the partners and their sexual lives. This problem can affect all men. Still erectile dysfunction predominantly affects men who are older than 40. In some men, erectile dysfunction can be connected to stress and emotional problems, other medical conditions or certain medications that are regularly used. For example, erectile dysfunction develops in men who are already suffering from diabetes, kidney disease, alcoholism, or atherosclerosis.

In some men the problem is transient and they eventually succeed in maintenance of the erection. On the other hand, the loss of erectile function is permanent and the only way for a man to experience this function again is to undergo the surgery.

Surgical Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction Penile ImplantsPenile implants are actually devices which are implanted into the penis. These rods are flexible and can be inflated and this way they lead to enlargement of the penis. In most of the cases partially rigid prosthesis made of silicon and metal rod is used. This prosthesis supplies with the appropriate rigidity which is essential for successful intercourse. Parts of the prosthesis can be covered with suitable piece of clothing.

Another option is an inflatable penile prosthesis. It consists of three parts. The first part contains two tubes and is placed into the penis. The second part of the prosthesis is inserted into the abdomen and it represents a tiny reservoir. And finally, the third part of the prosthesis is inserted into the scrotum. The last part is actually a pump which will help with enlargement of the penis when necessary. Namely, pump pushes the sterile fluid into the tubes in the penis and these tubes consequently lead to erection. Inflatable prosthesis is much more complicated to be implanted comparing to semi-rigid implant. Additionally, the presence of numerous mechanical parts of the inflatable prosthesis may make it difficult for a doctor to discover the cause in case of any failure.

Self-contained inflatable prosthesis is like the previous one. Fortunately, it has fewer parts. On the other hand, there is a need for extra space when this prosthesis is implanted and this results in less room for penile enlargement. Vascular Reconstructive SurgerySome men may benefit from vascular surgery and achieve desirable erection. Namely, vascular surgery can enhance the blood flow through the penis and lead to easier enlargement during intercourse. In one surgical approach a vein from the leg is used for revascularization of the arterial vessels.

One more procedure is venous ligation. This surgical procedure can prevent the blood leak from veins.

Still vascular surgery is not a most convenient option for erectile dysfunction since it leads to scaring and may damage the nerve and even cause more problems than before.

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