Oneor the other
Whena person is having trouble with such conditions as constipation, the best wayto free him/herself from it is by use of laxatives. But there is also anotherterm that may cause some confusion among people, i.e. “the “stool softener”. Now,from this it can be inferred that the “remedy” in question has the ability to “soften”one’s stool, which is closely related to what laxative does. So, what isthe difference, if any? In order to discover this, it is essential to bettercomprehend the most prominent characteristics of both varieties of products andthen one should have a much clearer image of what each refers to, as well as when isone more preferable than the other for providing relief from the troublesome conditionin question.
Digestionprocess and revelations
Whatcould be regarded as common knowledge, perhaps, is the way in which the digestion processworks. Namely, and in brief, the food one consumes is digested inside thestomach and small intestines. After that, it is transported to the colon in theform of the waste material, which then awaits its excretion. If we take aproperly functioning digestive system for example, out of this waste, water is absorbed andthe surplus is ultimately excreted in the form of the stool. However, in case aperson in question suffers from constipation, the stool itself hardens since thebody absorbs too great quantities of water. Direct consequence of thisaction is the induction of improper movements of the bowel, which also includehardened stools to occur. Constipation is quite frequently accompanied byabdominal pain, as well as back pain and bloating in the abdominal region. The bestways to ward off constipation is by way of diet and smaller changes in one’slifestyle. On the other hand, for some, this is unfortunately not enough.Therefore, they need to seek help in the form of laxatives. Available today arenumerous varieties of laxatives, and one specific type of laxative is known asthe stool softener or emollient laxative. Other varieties that are at one’sdisposal include also Bulk-forming laxatives, lubricant laxatives, stimulantand Saline laxatives.
Thebig Difference
Whenit comes to comparing stool softener to other varieties, the biggestdifference is in the course of action that takes place. Having stool softenersin mind, it is important to point out that they must be taken at bedtime, aswell as regularly for at least one to three days in order for them to have aneffect and produce results. In addition, it is quite often pointed out thatonce a person starts taking them, he/she needs to increase the amount of waterthat he/she drinks on regular basis, as well as keep of Aspirin, mineral oilsand lubricant laxatives. Eventhough this variety of laxative is regarded as quite safe, side effects to lookafter are stomach cramps, nausea, and throat irritation, among others.
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