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Everyone who ever tried to lose some excess weight knows it’snot easy. Losing or maintaining healthy weight demands certain discipline andmotivation. Many people don’t even have the courage to start with weight loss, but the truth is that it doesn’t have tobe so hard. Make baby steps, one step at the time and enjoy the process. After aweek, add another baby step and next week - another one. After a while, youwill be eating and living healthy and you won’t be overweight anymore.

Forget Sodas

Don’t drink coke or similar soda drinks. Diet coke is not a goodoption either, but if you can’t get rid of all sodas, at least try to minimizeand use only diet drinks. Water and tea are always much better choices than anyof these soda drinks. Remember that quitting just a can of soda every day youcould save about 150 calories. For a week, that’s 1050 and for three weekswithout your daily can of soda you will take 3150 calories less than usual. Speakingin terms of weight – 3500 calories is about one pound of weight. So, thinkabout quitting coke for weight loss.

Water is Healthy

Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. It may seemvery much, but if you spread it during the day you won’t even notice it. When yourbody gets enough water it doesn’t crave for snacks. This way, you will save additionalcalories and improve your weight loss.

Eat Healthier

Vegetables are good for people trying to lose excess weight.Eat more vegetables during the meals and you won’t need to take some snacksafter.

Use Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil is much better option for cookingthan some other cooking oils. It is more expensive, but it also comes with muchmore flavors and good fats for you.

Lose the Cookies

Cookies and sweets won’t help you to lose excess weight. Sometimesyou need to refuse a birthday cake or stop yourself from buying sweets. Do thatand look forward to better looking you.

Use the Stairs

Every time you have an option – stairs or the lift, use thestairs. This simple exercise will burn extra calories and your body will startto burn even more after the initial activity.

Park in the Back

Every time you use your car, park further away from theplace you are going to. It will force you to walk and burn more calories and behealthier.

Walk Every Chance You’ve Got

If exercise is too hard for you at the moment, start walking.Enjoy the surroundings, walk your pet or talk to your friend while walking.

Start Some Exercise

After a while, your body will be ready to exercise. Usesmall hand weights and exercise at your home, if you prefer that to the gym. Researchthe Internet and find out about proper weight lifting exercises.

Congratulate Yourself

After you’ve done all of this, it is time to smile andcongratulate yourself, because you are much closer to become healthierindividual. Do something nice for yourself and enjoy your achievement.

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