CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and it is made to help the people that are suffering from respiratory or cardiac arrest. It is performed by breathing into the persons mouth to help with the air reaching their lungs and the chest compressions are to make the persons heart beat correctly. In some cases by performing CPR on a person it can make their body spontaneously begin to breath and to make the heart beat again.
Identification of use of CPR
If a person is discovered laying unconscious the first thing you think is that you should attempt to wake them as they may just be asleep or they could have fainted thus not needing CPR. You can try to shake them or shout at them. If after this there is no response then you may need to start the CPR steps.
Function of the CPR
Firstly you have to check for the persons breathing by lowering your ear to their mouth whilst facing your face down their body so you can also try to see their chest raising and falling. If they are breathing then you do not need to do CPR. Prior to starting the CPR you will need to send someone for help and to call for an ambulance. Performing CPR is exhausting and you will need the aid of a medically trained person. You will need to tilt the persons head back by lifting their chin slightly to open their airways more. Now pinch their nostrils and use your mouth to give them two quick breaths of air. You will need to make sure their chest rises with each breath given. If the chest does not move, you may need to reposition the head or there may be something obstructing their breathing. After the two breaths check to see if they are now breathing by themselves and check their pulse on their neck. If you cannot find a pulse and they are not breathing then you will need to continue the rescue breathing until the victim begins to breathe or until medical assistance arrives.
Chest Compressions
You need to measure two fingers above the bottom of the persons chest bone and put your palm on that area. Put your other hand on top of your hand and interlock your fingers so you can start with the chest compressions, doing fifteen at a time between the two breaths you supply the victim.
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