Menstrual period is a time when the vagina is particularly prone to infections, and it is important to keep good personal hygiene and change tampons or pads frequently, in order to avoid bacteria or fungus infestations.
Post-Menstrual Vaginal Discharge
Sometimes a week or two after the period is over, a woman can experience white or off-white discharge of neutral odor. In most cases, this is completely normal and it is nothing to worry about.
There are different types of post-menstrual vaginal discharge, and there are different reasons for it to appear. Sometimes it is a normal occurrence and sometimes it indicates a problem.
In any case, smelly or not, if the discharge lasts for more than a week after the period, it is best to see a doctor who will know exactly what is going on and prescribe appropriate medication.
The worst case scenario, in this case, would be a very mild Candida yeast infection. This happens after menstrual bleeding because at that time the vagina has a slightly lower defense ability and it is favorable for the multiplication of the yeast. This problem can be easily checked at the gynecologist, who will do some tests and prescribe medication, which will deal with the discharge in no time.
Smelly discharge often indicates an STD. If it is creamy and thick, off-white in color, and it comes with a burning sensation, it can indicate chlamydia. Chlamydia should be treated on time, otherwise it can cause infertility.
If there are no signs of discomfort other than the discharge itself, it may be a case of Candida or bacterial vaginosis.
If there is a greenish shade to this type of discharge, there is a possibility of trichomonas vaginalis. This is a potentially harmless amoeba infection that still needs to be treated on time, before it spreads to the fallopian tubes. This type of infection often occurs when a tampon is forgotten inside the vagina when the period is over.Brown Discharge is a Thing to be Worried About
Brown discharge is a rather common type of post-menstrual discharge, and it usually lasts only a couple of days. In most cases, the discharge is in fact old blood that has not been expelled from the uterus, and the smell probably comes from the bacteria. This problem can be solved with the use of feminine washes, but if it persists, it is better to have it checked by a gynecologist.
Many women have noticed brown discharge after their periods. The reason for this can vary from one woman to another. Some reasons indicate that there is a problem while others are nothing to worry about.
There are cases in which a brown discharge repeats month after month. For example, a late period can cause dark colored discharge both during and after the period.
However, dark or brown discharge can in fact be altered blood, which can indicate a bleeding somewhere inside the uterus or vagina, like an erosion, polyps, injury to the surface or the mouth of the uterus. If this is the case, the whole reproductive system needs to be checked thoroughly.
Brown discharge can also be an early sign of pregnancy or affect perimenopauseal or menopausal women.
Finally, the underlying cause of brown discharge after menstruation can be much more serious medical condition like ectopic pregnancy or different cancers (cervical cancer, uterine cancer, cancer of the vagina etc.).
Treatment for Discharge after Menstruation
Any kind of discharge is not a disease per se, but it can be a symptom of one. However, as it is mentioned above, it can be a normal occurrence and sign that the reproductive system is cleaning itself and forming new tissues. It is important to observe the duration of brown discharge. If it persists for more than a few days, it is better to see a doctor who will determine with certainty what exactly is causing this kind of discharge.
The treatment will depend on the cause found by the doctor. Each of the medical problems that can be culprits of brown vaginal discharge requires adequate therapy. Those problems should be addressed in time so they can be treated and prevented from developing into more serious health issues.
All in all, vaginal discharge may be completely normal and expected in some cases while it can also be a sign of some serious health issues in others. Therefore, you are advised to take good care of your personal hygiene at all times, especially during your menstrual periods.
Keep the above mentioned characteristics of discharge after periods in mind and seek medical assistance if the occurrence of any kind of discharge continues after your period has ended.
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