Most women will experience vaginal discharge before a period in some point in their lives. This phenomenon is, in most cases, quite normal, but sometimes it may indicate there is a disease present. Normal vaginal discharge varies during the menstrual cycle, and fluctuates in density, color and volume. Before ovulation, the body produces a lot of mucous, which is more watery and elastic during that phase. This phenomenon serves to nourish, protect and speed up the sperm on its way through the uterus and into the Fallopian tubes so that it can fertilize the egg. Normally, the volume of vaginal discharge after ovulation may drop up to 30 times.
Causes of Discharge Before Period
Beginning and the end of the menstrual cycle are normally distinguished by thick and white discharge. Clear and stretchy mucous is most characteristic for the ovulation period. During ovulation, a women’s body produces increased levels of estrogen, a hormone that stimulates the glands in the cervix to secrete a watery fluid. Clear and watery mucus may occur at different times of the cycle and can be particularly heavy after vigorous physical exercise or hard labor. Brown discharge may happen right after periods and it results in cleaning out the vagina. Sometimes, the women may notice spotting blood or brown discharge in the middle of their periods or right before menstruation. Sometimes, these indicate an early pregnancy, especially if the spotting takes place instead of the normal menstruation. However, menstrual spotting sometimes occurs as a result of taking birth control pills, which considerably change the woman’s body, and can have many effects including causing menstrual spotting. Menstrual spotting is most common when women, who use birth control pills, miss some of their doses or take them irregularly, disturbing the normal rhythms of the body. Any kind of change in normal hormonal levels may also result in menstrual spotting.
When to Consult a Doctor?
The normal discharge is clear or whitish. Yellow or green mucus may indicate an infection. Vaginal infections usually manifest in thick or clumpy like cottage cheese mucus that has a foul odor. Vaginal discharge accompanied with itching is also a possible sign of infection. Even the normal white discharge accompanied with itching can indicate a yeast infection. Brown discharge usually indicates the starting of a new menstrual cycle or slight hormonal disturbances. However, brown discharge may also indicate the growth of polyps inside the uterus. Polyps are the tumors that have originated due to several reasons, and they are normally benign.
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