Bleeding or spotting between periods is definitely a reason for a woman to worry. Not knowing what may be causing it, or whether it is dangerous, such bleeding can be very frustrating, so it is advisable to visit a doctor and find out what is happening.
It is important to know what a normal menstruation is in order to be able to tell if something is wrong. Normal menstrual bleeding occurs approximately every 28 days, although this number varies from woman to woman, from 21 to 35 days.
Bleeding after Menstrual Period
Bleeding usually lasts four to five days, sometimes more, sometimes less. If the bleeding occurs after the menstruation is over, or if there are spots of blood, a woman should first determine where exactly the blood is coming from. It may come from the rectum or there may be blood in the urine.
There are many possible causes of bleeding between periods. First of all, the cause can be a pregnancy or a miscarriage, as well as fluctuations in hormone levels, stress, injury, surgical procedures, vaginal infections, or vaginal dryness.Some women experience bleeding between periods after they start or stop using oral contraceptives or if they skip the pill.Bleeding during ovulation is fairly common and is considered normal. The most dangerous cause of bleeding after menstrual period is cancer.
Bed rest is advised if bleeding between periods is particularly heavy. It can be useful to count the tampons or pads used because this information helps a doctor to determine whether the bleeding is heavy or not. The best possible decision is to consult a doctor in cases of any bleeding between periods.The doctor will perform a pelvic exam and take a pap smear, ask for a medical history and previous cases of bleeding, and will also need precise information about the menstrual cycle. This information includes the number of days the menstruation usually lasts for, how heavy the bleeding is or if there are any other symptoms like cramps, pain or bruising.
It is also important to determine whether there is blood in the stool or urine or if the woman is taking any medications or not. Furthermore, the doctor will need to be informed if she has been exposed to physical or emotional stress.
The doctor will also need information about past pregnancies, abortions and miscarriages, and do the necessary tests to exclude pregnancy as a cause of the bleeding.
Keeping the information about one's menstrual cycle is very important. Whenever there is a problem involving a woman's health, doctors require information about the age the first menstruation occurred, the date of the last menstruation, and the number of days it lasted.
Dydrogesterone is a Synthetic Hormone for Menstrual Regulation
Dydrogesterone is synthetic hormone progesterone with the brand name Duphaston. It is used for regulating one's menstrual cycle. This medication is considered non-oestrogenic, non-androgenic, non-anabolic as well as non-corticoid. The drug affects the uterus directly without indirect contraceptive effect.
Dydrogesterone can be recommended for treatment of infertility, premenstrual syndrome, endometriosis and irregular or painful menstruations. Dydrogesterone is also used in hormone replacement therapy. This medication can additionally help in preventing miscarriage or recurrence of miscarriage.
Dydrogesterone is activated through oral consumption. Depending on the treated disorder, Dydrogestrone is taken on certain days during menstrual cycle in recommended doses.
Besides for controlling menstrual periods, dydrogesterone can be used for other purposes too. Threatened and habitual abortion is one of these. Basically, Dydrogesterone decreases the incidence of first trimester abortions and relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus.Furthermore, Dydrogesterone relieves the pain associated to menstrual periods and minimizes the overgrowth of endometrial lining.
Additionally, Dydrogesterone alleviates the symptoms related to premenstrual syndrome and increases the chances of getting pregnant by almost 50%. This is due to this medicine’s capability to alleviate luteal insufficiency.
Also, it prevents excess growth of the endometrial lining and prevents hot flushes in menopausal women, along with the long-term effects of the menopause such as bone resorption and changes in blood lipids.
Nevertheless, even though Dydrogesterone is usually safe for use, it might trigger some of the following side effects.
Possible side effects of Dydrogesterone may include gastrointestinal disturbances, allergic skin rash, changes in libido, acne, breast tenderness, fluid retention, dizziness, headache, nausea, mental depression, and menstrual spotting between periods. Also, the drug should be used cautiously during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
Do not use Dydrogesterone if you are allergic to this medication or any of its components.
Contraindications include hypersensitivity, pregnancy, abnormal vaginal bleeding of unknown origin, cerebrovascular or coronary artery disease, carcinoma of the breast or genital organs and hepatic dysfunction.
To conclude, bleeding after periods may be a normal, expected occurrence, a sign of certain bodily changes or a symptoms of some types of diseases. Fortunately, there are medications, like dydrogesterone, which can help a woman regulate her menstrual periods better, avoiding getting surprised by unexpected bleeding. However, one should be careful with this medications since, rarely, it may lead to adverse effects.
Thus, the best possible step to take once you face bleeding after period is to seek advice from your doctor.
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