Patchouli oil
Pogostemon cablin is the name of the plant, from which, patchouli oil is extracted. This plant belongs to the mint family and it has a hairy stem, aromatic leaves and whitish flowers with little of purple color.
Health benefits of patchouli oil
Patchouli oil is widely used for treating many medical conditions, stress, anxiety and for skincare. Due to its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties, it is very helpful in the treatment of many infections. It has the ability to boost the immune system and increase the appetite. It is considered that patchouli oil is very good as an antidepressant since it is very effective against the stress, depression and anxiety. When one suffers from any of these conditions, it is recommended to use this oil in combination with meditation since it can bring calmness. Due to its good smell and scent, it is used in temples as incense, but it is also used for making perfumes. In most cases, it is blended with other essential oils, such as rose, jasmine or citrus. Patchouli oil is also used for massage in aromatherapy, since it can relieve the symptoms of various skin disorders. One of the purposes of every massage is also to lift the mood and this oil can do that thanks to its good scent. Eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis are the skin diseases that can be treated with patchouli oil. Since it possesses antiseptic properties, the wounds can be protected from various infections. Due to its anti-aging properties it is recommended to use it for skin care. The skin looks healthy and young because this oil treats dry skin and wrinkles, and it prevents the outbreak of acne and scars. Furthermore, it is also used for removal or fading of marks or spots that occur because of chicken pox and measles. Several sexual problems can be effectively treated with patchouli oil, and among them are decreased libido or sexual drive, erectile dysfunction, impotency and frigidity. In addition to all these health benefits, patchouli oil is also considered to be very good as detoxifier, and also very good for weight loss and lowering the levels of cholesterol. Those people who have problems with urination should use this oil since it also acts as a diuretic and increases the amount of urine.Patchouli oil is widely used for treating common cold, cough and fever. Furthermore, nausea, headaches, abdominal pain and diarrhea are also some of the conditions that can be relieved with using of patchouli oil.
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