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Information about Royal Jelly

Royal jelly is actually a secretion that slightly resembles milk and it is produced by worker honey bees. Its contents are usually sugar, proteins, water, fats, salts, amino acids and various vitamins. The composition and percentage of ingredients contained may vary depending on the climate and geographical factors. This substance got its name from the fact that it is basically the only type of food used to nurture the queen bees. Royal jelly can be used as a medicine for numerous different diseases and ailments.

It definitely should not be confused with bee venom or bee pollen as they are completely different substances produced by the bees. Royal jelly may come in very handy when it comes to relieving and treating numerous medical conditions and diseases such as pancreatitis, hay fever, insomnia, asthma, liver disease, bone fractures, stomach ulcers, premenstrual syndrome, numerous skin disorders, kidney disease, and high levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.

It also has very potent tonic properties and it can be used to fight the effects of the aging process and to boost the immune system very effectively. It can also be applied topically to the scalp because it is also beneficial for the growth of hair. There are certain claims that it is also very efficient in acting against tumors and preventing the hardening of the arteries. Royal jelly can also come in very handy when it comes to relieving and treating irritability, edema and sudden weight increases that sometimes get associated with the others symptoms of the premenstrual syndrome.

Side Effects

Royal jelly can be considered safe only if the people use it in short terms. Prolonged use of royal jelly may sometimes cause serious medical conditions such as numerous different types of allergic reactions, swollen throat, asthma and in certain severe cases it may even be fatal. Some other cases have included colon bleeding, bloody diarrhea and stomach pain caused by prolonged use of royal jelly. When applied directly to the skin it may cause an allergic rash and in some cases even inflammatory conditions.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid the use of royal jelly as it may be harmful for the infant. Those who suffer from asthma or different types of allergies should avoid it as well. Royal jelly is also known of increasing the effects of the medication called warfarin. Proper dosing before the usage of royal jelly is the key factor to the safety.

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