Levothyroxine is a medication which is used in the treatment of low production of thyroid hormone and to prevent enlargement of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland produces a hormone which regulates metabolism and energy levels in the body and Levothyroxine is given in case the thyroid gland does not make enough amounts of the hormone. This medication is safe for pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding.Side Effects
If you experience any allergic reactions to Levothyroxine, inform your doctor about it so he/she could change the course of treatment or adjust the dose. Allergic reactions may include skin disorders such as itchiness and rash, breathing difficulties, tension in the chest, redness in the face, swelling of the tongue, lips or face and hoarseness. There are various side effects of Levothyroxine and if you notice any unusual changes regarding your health condition and behavior, you should notify your doctor about it as soon as possible. Mild hair loss is one of the side effects of Levothyroxine which is not considered to be dangerous for your health. Severe side effect may include pain in the chest, irregular pulse, breathing difficulties and headache. You may also experience changes in menstrual periods, sleeping disorders, excessive perspiration, fatigue, vomiting and changes in appetite. Changes in appetite often lead to weight changes. In some people such side effect can cause loss of weight and in others weight gain. You may also have fever, diarrhea, cramps in the stomach or legs, and tremors. In some cases you may feel nausea, pain in the joints, weakness in the muscles and tiredness. You may also notice some behavior and mood changes such as anxiety and irritability.Classification of Side Effects
According to the parts of your body, Levothyroxine side effects can be classified as general side effects, side effects which involve the central nervous system, musculoskeletal side effects, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, dermatologic, endocrine and reproductive side effects.Safety Measures
Before you start taking Levothyroxine, you must inform your doctor about any disorders or health problems. Levothyroxine is not recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. It is also not used if the patient has problems with adrenal or pituitary glands. Some medications, multivitamins and herbal supplements should not be combined with Levothyroxine, so inform your doctor about any product you use. You must follow the instructions from your doctor regarding the doses of Levothyroxine and you must not stop taking this medication without telling your doctor.
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