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The most common side effect of hair transplant

Today hair transplant operations are quite popular and relatively effective. In this text, we will entangle with the question of possible side effects which can occur after the hair transplantation procedure. The most common is the hair thinning, which is also named shedding or shock loss. It occurs when the hair that is not transplanted falls off, because of the "shock", and the number of the hairs that fall off is different. The number considered to be normal is from 50 to 100 hairs during the day. The follicles that go into telogen very suddenly cause the hair falling off, and this usually lasts for several months, after which hair will start to grow normal and the lost hair will grow back. Remember that the number of hairs will remain the same as before the transplant, but it will only be redistributed.

Other side effects of hair transplant

The next side effect we will state is itching, which can sometimes be very serious and discomforting. It is considered common and is produced by the formation of the scabs. Before the procedure, anti-itching creams can be used, but only after a consultation with a doctor. Problem can also be eliminated with the shampooing of the area and spraying the hair with water. The next possible side effect is the swelling, which usually occurs on the forehead and sometimes on the eyes, but the problem is usually gone after several days. Another problem that can arise after the hair transplant surgery is the infection, but in order to exclude this possibility, antibiotics are taken in advance. However, if developed, antibiotics will eliminate the problem even after the surgery. Cysts can also occur in case the follicles are damaged. Pushing of the follicles deeper to the layer of the skin can also cause this problem. They look like a bump or a lump and can sometimes look rather bad.

Problem with scarring can rise after the surgery, but this problem is limited to strip transplantations. Scars can occur more easily to some people and this usually depends on the genetics. This problem can be eliminated with the help of a plastic surgeon. The last side effect that can come out after the hair transplant procedure is related to hiccoughs, and this is one of the strangest side effects of this procedure. Even today specialists do not know what the cause is, and according to the statistics, it happens in every twentieth case. The severity can vary, and sometimes it can even produce problems with sleeping. But this side effect is not usually long-lasting if you visit the doctor. Medications that you will receive eliminate the problem after a few days.

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