Choosing the Best Serotonin Supplement
Serotonin deficiency is probably a result of stress and poor nutrition, but these are just speculations. Serotonin levels located in the brain cells can be increased with the use of serotonin supplements, but know that there are some side effects associated with the use of this supplement and the most common side effect is serotonin syndrome. If you take 5-HTP serotonin supplements, you will not have a problem with this condition because there hasn’t been a case of serotonin syndrome associated with this kind of supplement. Also, never use these supplements without prior consultation with the doctor, especially if you are pregnant.
Serotonin Supplements
The mentioned 5-THP is 5-hydroxyTryptophran, simply named tryptophan, is included in the serotonin supplements. A mechanism that acts as a guardian for the brain is called blood-brain barrier and it prevents the invasion of serotonin in the central nervous system and the brain. But the serotonin precursor, or the tryptophan, can do this and the barrier will let this happen, which will lead to the serotonin synthesis. The African herb called Griffonia simplicifolia is used for the derivation of 5-HTP that is used in the serotonin supplements. Dose ranging from the 100 to 300 mg of 5-HTP is considered safe to use.
The essential amino acid called L-tryptophan is used by the human body and it can be found in the dietary proteins used for the 5-HTP production. But these levels are insufficient so we have to eat foods such as meat, eggs and milk, which have high amounts of this amino acid. However, these are not the only food items rich with L-tryptophan.
Serotonin Supplement Uses
Now we will see which the uses of the serotonin supplements there are. Food cravings are thought to be caused by the deficiency of serotonin, but this can be eliminated if you take serotonin supplement half an hour prior to eating, since this will reduce the cravings. Serotonin levels will be increased due to the consumption of caffeine, alcohol or tobacco and problems such as cravings and anxiety can be a result of a withdrawal from these items. But the symptoms of withdrawal can be eliminated with the use of the serotonin supplements. These supplements can also help with the irritability due to menstrual cycle, mood swings, PMS pain, stress and obesity. But before you use serotonin supplements see a doctor.
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