Information on Rosacea
Rosacea is a very common skin related medical condition andit is associated with the occurrence of visible blood vessels, irritated skin,redness and bumps. There have been numerous scientific studies win order todetermine the cause of rosacea but unfortunately the exact cause cannot bepinpointed yet. Rosacea is usually aggravated and worsened by certainirritating factors such as alcohol and spicy foods. Hot environments andstressful emotions may also have a similar effect on those who already haverosacea. Rosacea acne cannot be cured using a particular type of medicament orremedy. All the known methods of treatment are only used as they are efficientin controlling the symptoms of the medical condition and preventing it fromgetting even worse. Those who suffer from rosacea need to consult the physicianin order to determine the best solution, because untreated rosacea may becomepermanent. Sunscreens and lotions need to be used at all times in order toprotect the skin from excessive sunlight exposure.
New Study
A certain study has shown that the human body sometimescreates excessive amounts of certain types of inflammatory proteins, which thenstimulate a third type of protein in abnormal amounts. This third type ofprotein is probably responsible for the occurrence of rosacea. There areactually 4 different kinds of rosacea acne and the actual type of treatmentdepends on the type of rosacea that the patient suffers from.
Acne Rosacea Treatments
Certain symptoms affiliated with rosacea such as thin redlines, stinging sensations on the face and flushing are usually treated by oraltypes of antibiotics. If a person suffers from too much discomfort, theantibiotics may also be accompanied by certain types of mild anti inflammatorymedicaments. The aforementioned thin red lines are actually blood vessels whichcannot fade away. They sometimes need to be removed by using a pulsed dye lasertype of therapy. A certain type of rosacea acne referred to as phymstous can becharacterized by bumpy, thick skin with big pores. It commonly occurs on the nosebut it may also be present on the forehead, eyelids, chins or ears. It is alsosometimes accompanied by flushing, noticeable veins and pimples. Sometimesphymstous gets treated with isotretinoin, but this type of medication maytrigger certain side effects and even birth defects. Isotretinoin is also veryexpensive. Papulopustular rosacea is characterized by facial flushing, thin redlines and pimples. Facial ointments and antibiotics are usually used for thetreatment. Ocular rosacea affects the eyes and it is commonly treated withantibiotics.
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