Information on Rosacea
Rosacea is a very common medical condition which can be characterizedby the red occurrences on the skin which slightly resemble skin acne. Rosaceaaffects millions and millions of people all around the world. It affects theCaucasian people with fair skin the most. The most common symptoms of rosacea includered patches, irritated eyes, tiny broken blood vessels, red cysts and small redbumps on the skin.
Most people who have a rosacea are not even aware that theyactually have it and they are also completely unaware of the fact that it isactually a medical condition which can be diagnosed and treated properly. Inmany cases, rosacea may be perceived as blushing or an instance of increasedsensitivity to sunlight.
Rosacea is chronic medical condition which cannot behealed in most cases. The condition has its periodic ups and downs. Unlike thetraditional acne which is a condition commonly associated with teenagers,rosacea cannot be outgrown. It usually affects the central part of the face andis recognized by redness which affects all the parts of the face which blush,such as the nose, the chins and the forehead. It mostly affects people who havelight skin.
Rosacea is not infectious or contagious in any way and it cannot bespread by skin contact, inhalation or sharing towels. The redness can getaggravated by flushing and it also causes the blood vessels in the skin to getdilated which results in the occurrence of telangiectasis.
Repeated blushingmay lead to inflammatory conditions and the formation of tiny red bumps.
Causes of Rosacea
It is impossible to determine the real, exact cause ofrosacea. It does get triggered by the dilation of the blood vessels which arelocated in the skin of the face.
Certain studies have shown that possiblecauses may include genetic factors, certain types of medications that widen theblood vessels, sun exposure, gastrointestinal diseases, certain types of hairfollicle mites and stomach ulcer bacteria. Numerous cases of rosacea have beenproved to be hereditary.
Rosacea also affects those persons who are prone toflushing very easily. Flushing and rosacea may be triggered by numerousdifferent factors such as fear, embarrassment, stress, anxiety and variousother emotional factors.
All of them can aggravate rosacea. Other factors mayinclude strong winds, spicy foods, humidity changes, emotional upsets, alcoholconsumption and excessive exercising. Risk factors may include positive familyhistory, menopause easy blushing and fair skin.
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