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Ringworm is a skin disorder caused by fungi. The symptoms of ringworm are red round patches on the skin. The patches can be itchy and they can appear on a larger part of your skin. You should visit your doctor if the patches are persistent and swollen. Ringworm is highly contagious condition which can be spread by direct contact with the person who has the infection. It can also be spread if you touch an object which was previously touched by an infected person. You can also get ringworm if you touch an animal with ringworm. Fortunately, ringworm is just unsightly and bothersome condition. It does not have serious complication which can jeopardize your health.


In more severe cases of ringworm your doctor may prescribe certain medications. You may be given topical medications or oral medications. Oral medications carry a risk of side effects and allergic reactions. Proper hygiene is also necessary if you want to get rid of the infection.

Home Remedies

There are various natural home remedies which can help you deal with ringworm. You can make a cream from mustard seeds which you can apply on the skin. Another simple home remedy is fresh papaya. Just rub this fruit on the skin a couple of times a day. Papaya seeds can be also used in ringworm treatment. You can make your own paste with a mixture of garlic, honey and olive oil. Lavender oil is also very helpful in managing patches caused by ringworm. Another useful home remedy is a mixture of fresh carrot and spinach juice. Coconut oil can prevent itchiness of your skin and speed the healing process. Tea tree oil is also an effective remedy for ringworm due to its antifungal properties.

Risk Factors

There are certain factors which can put you at greater risk of ringworm. If you practice any contact sport, such as football or wrestling you are at a higher risk. You may be at risk of ringworm because your body gets in contact with many people and if one person is infected the chances of getting the infection are high. Excessive perspiration can also increase the risk of ringworm. The chances of getting ringworm increase in locker rooms, gyms, bathrooms and swimming pools because fungi which cause ringworm inhabit warm and damp places. You should be careful not to touch the infected person or any of the items which may be infected as well. If your immune system is weakened due to some diseases, the risk of ringworm is also increased.

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