We often hear complaining about arthritis or rheumatism from many elderly people. Arthritis occurs when one of the joints (or more than one) are inflamed. On the other side, rheumatism is just a general term for any pain in the bones that cannot be classified under any type of arthritis.
Symptoms of arthritis and rheumatism
When one suffers from arthritis and rheumatism, he/she may experience several warning signs that are typical for this condition. The swelling of joints and the stiffness in the area around the joints are two most common symptoms of this bone disorder. Furthermore, many people with this condition may notice that the area around the joints turned red and that it is warm when they touch it. In addition to all these symptoms, it is also possible that the person with arthritis and rheumatism may have trouble with moving and using the affected joint. The unexplained pain in the joints that has a tendency to recur is also one of the symptoms of this bone problem.
Symptoms of palindromic rheumatism
Palindromic rheumatism is an autoimmune bone disease and it considered to be an abortive type of rheumatoid arthritis. The main cause for the occurrence of this type of rheumatism is not established yet. It can appear in males and female from 20 to 50 years of age. Even though palindromic rheumatism can affect any joint in the body, in most cases, the elbows, wrists and knees are most affected. Furthermore, it usually occurs in only one side of the body and not in the both at the same time. When this type of rheumatism occurs, the pain and inflammation, called flare-ups, typically last a couple of days and then they can return after several minutes or even several weeks.
Symptoms of muscular rheumatism
When the connective tissues, also called fibrous tissues, are inflamed, muscular rheumatism occurs. It is well known under the name fibromyalgia but the doctors call it fibrositis and fibromyositis. Fever and increased heart rate are accompanied by pain and soreness, which appear in the part of the body that is affected by fibromyalgia. Furthermore, those people who have this disease may experience pain even to the slightest touch since the tissues are very sensitive. Enlarged liver, as well as stiffness in the muscles are also some of the symptoms of this type of rheumatism.
Symptoms of soft tissues rheumatism
Soft tissues rheumatism is related to the aches of the inflamed muscles, tendons and ligaments that surround the joints. There are two kinds of this condition called tendonitis and bursitis. The pain of bursitis or tendinitis is restricted to one area and is aggravated by any movement. Swelling, soreness, warmth and tenderness are other symptoms of this kind of rheumatism.
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