Symptoms that help in recognizing muscular rheumatism
Muscular rheumatism or fibromyalgia is a serious healthproblem that is chronic in nature and that often affects the lining membrane ofthe bone, muscles and tissues that support bones and joints. Pain and stiffnessin the affected area are the principal symptoms that characterize this condition,which is also known as fibromyalgia. However, these symptoms are serious enoughto affect the movements of the problematic part of the body, and when theyoccur, the ‘attack’ usually lasts for a few days, although it might be presentfor a few weeks as well. This leads to the general feeling of weakness andfatigue, and the person in question is often exhausted after the pain finallystops. The pain may range from mild and dull to sharp.
As for other symptoms, fever is rarely present, but it isnot impossible that pain in the abdomen, constipation, spasms in the bladder,headaches or migraines, and increased sensitivity to odor and even touch willbe present. Parts of the body that are most frequently affected are neck, chestand the back, although shoulder, shoulder blade, and even limbs and belly mightbe affected sometimes as well.
Methods of treatment of muscular rheumatism
No matter how painful and hard to bear this condition mightbe, the fact is that it is not life threatening. Since it is chronic in nature,the treatment is focused on relieving the symptoms once they occur, althoughthere are some steps that can be taken in order to reduce their frequency orintensity. These steps include changes in the diet and changes in thelifestyle. It is highly recommended to begin with exercising, particularly ifthe patient has not been exercising until then, because even light and moderatephysical activity helps a lot. Pain and stiffness are usually treated with medications,but hot baths are highly recommended, as well as applying hot compress. Medicationswill also help with muscle spasms and fatigue, and the most commonly prescribedare tricyclic antidepressants, muscle relaxants and those from the group ofSSRI. Stress and tension need to be avoided as much as possible, since theyhave been identified as factors that contribute to the condition in question aswell. Yoga, meditation, acupuncture and other similar methods may help a personrelieve the stress. It is necessary to get all the information about the foodthat should be avoided, since it also affects the symptoms significantly.
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