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Hamstring is the medical term for the paired prominent tendons and muscles above them, located at the back of the knee joint. Since they are connected to the muscles which bend the knee, their function is to amortize the force every time this particular movement is performed. Having that in mind, and just thinking about how many times we bend the knee during just one day, it can be concluded that these tendons and muscles must bear a tremendous stress on a daily basis.

Because of their purpose to stretch and pull back the knee, the most common injury of these tendons and muscles is a pull, which is, actually, a type of injury resulting from abnormal straining or stretching. However, these tendons belong to the group of the strongest tendons in our bodies, so they tend to be damaged only due to some movement that includes the excessive pressure put on the hamstrings. That is why this injury is especially frequent among the professional sportsmen, but also among the people who lead a pretty sedentary lifestyle and all of a sudden make some forceful movement.The healing process

So, when we talk about the injury called pull, it should be pointed out that it is manifested as the constant and intense pain, since the muscular fibers are damaged. The first aid should include the prompt immobilization, because the further contractions of these muscles and tendons could only make this problem more complex. And, when it comes to the period of healing of this type of the injury, it will last depending to the extent to what the muscular fibers of the hamstrings are strained or torn. Most commonly, there are the three basic categories of the pull and they are arranged in the groups depending on the amount of the damage to the hamstrings.

So, the process of the regeneration of the ruptured tissue is essential for the healing process, besides, of course the therapy based on the necessary prescribed drugs, for lessening the pain, for instance. The periods of resting should be alternated with the period f the massages and the beneficial workouts for this particular areas. These trainings should be appropriate for the severity of the injury, so, in the most aggravated cases, the mildest exercises should be done. Also, these exercises are based primarily on the stretching movements, but also on toning the hamstring muscular tissue.

When we talk about the homemade remedies, the most beneficial is the act of keeping the plastic bag of ice over the injury in the sessions of one third of an hour, and holding the leg in the lifted position. It is as well very useful to wrap the affected area into the elastic bandage. The healing process could last from 21 day in the mildest cases, up to one half of a year, if the pull is serious and complex.

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