About the hamstrings
Hamstrings are the tendons which are located on the back side of the knees and they connect the hamstring muscles. Those muscles are connected to the back side of the thighs, so they play a big role in the process of extending the hip, as well as in enabling a lot of movements of the knee, by a few complex consecutive contractions. So, when any damage of the mentioned muscles occurs, we can talk about the injury called the pulled hamstring.
The signs of injury
Anyway, it can be concluded that this type of injury is most frequent among the sportsmen, since they put a lot of pressure on these muscles, especially when running fast. However, any traumatic injury (e.g. by a punch) to the back of the thigh often causes the excessive stretching of the hamstring muscles and, therefore, the inevitable strain of them and the hamstring pull (to certain extent).
Fortunately, this injury is of the acute type and it is very hard to be neglected. It is always followed by the characteristic harsh and stabbing pain, even when the damage is minor. However, the pulled hamstring can be indicated by the bleeding, which, consequently leads to the inflammatory process of the affected area and the apparition of the swollen tissue. In the more serious cases, the injury involves tearing the muscular fibers to some extent, but in the most severe cases the breakage of the fibers is complete.
Besides, the mentioned most prominent indicators of this injury, the apparition of a bruise is also the following sign, along with the frequent spasmodic contractions and the troubles when stretching and bending the hamstring muscles.
The treatment for pulled hamstring
As long as the treatment is concerned, in the less severe stages of the pulled hamstring, one could cure the problem on his or her own, that is, by putting the ice on the affected spot, by staying away from the movements that may do harm to the muscles and by wrapping the flexible bandage around the knee. The more serious cases must be treated professionally and some injuries must even undergo the surgical procedure. After such a scenario, the period of the rehabilitation lasts around 14 weeks, but in the milder cases, it varies from 7 to 42 days.
Having that in mind, the first aid is of the extreme importance. The first thing that should be done is to hold the ice on the hamstrings at least for the period of a quarter of an hour. Before seeking the professional help, it is good to avoid any movement of the knee, since the stage of the injury may be easily worsened. So, it is also advisable to, additionally, walk with the help of the crutches and to wear the bandage which disables the contractions and lessens the swelling and the bruise. Of course, when resting, it is recommendable to hold the leg in the raised position, for the same purpose.
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