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Psoriasis is persistent and chronic skin disease. It may be presented with mild symptoms and be the cause of mere discomfort, but some patients have much more problems with this disease, for it can be disabling if associated with arthritis.

This condition is known to affect the life cycle of skin cells, leading to rapid buildup of cells on the surface of the skin. Because of that, psoriasis patients’ skin usually forms thick scales and causes dry and red skin and itchiness. Some patients may also complain about painful sensations on the skin as well. Although this is a long-lasting disease, patients may feel better for some time and then the problem reappears, since psoriasis has cycles of remission and worsening.

Recommended Lifestyle for Psoriasis Patients

If you have psoriasis, avoid anything that triggers this problem. Things which may worsen your current skin problems are often found out to be infections, skin injuries, stress, smoking or intense exposure to sunlight. However, small amounts of sunlight are advisable, for they could improve your skin lesions. Protect your skin with at least 15SPF sunscreen and avoid over-exposure. Sunbathing is not recommend for more than just short sessions, but make sure to consult your doctor about it.

OTC (over the counter) creams or ointments with salicylic acid or Hydrocortisone may decrease itching and scaling of the skin affected with psoriasis. Scalp psoriasis is usually treated with coal tar shampoos. Avoid drinking alcohol, because it has been known to decrease efficacy of psoriasis treatments.

Healthy diet will go a long way if you have psoriasis. This means you should eat plenty of different fruits and vegetables and include whole grains into your menu. Eat fish and lean cuts of meat. When you notice some food worsens your skin troubles, avoid it.

Simple Home Remedies

Daily baths and moisturizers are also found to be beneficial for psoriasis patients. Bathing every day will be immensely helpful to remove the scales from the skin and improve inflammation. Avoid hot baths and some harsh soaps and use mild soaps and lukewarm water instead. Many doctors advise their psoriasis patients to use bath oils, Epsom or Dead Sea salts or some colloidal ointment in bath water. Simply add some of these to your bath and soak for some 15 minutes or more, if you prefer so. Moisturizing is also very important for skin affected by psoriasis. Apply moisturizer every time after the bath, on the moist skin. People with very dry skin may find oils very helpful.

In order to improve scaling and redness of your skin, you may try covering affected areas of the body while you sleep. Just moisturize the area and then cover with some plastic wrap overnight. When you wake up, remove the wrap and wash the scales from your skin.

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