A normal female body manufacturers approximately 20-30 mg of progesterone per day during the luteal phase of menstruation and is required for normal functioning. Women need progesterone and if the body is not making enough, progesterone can be taken in synthetic form.
However, before a woman begins to taking synthetic drugs, there are natural progesterone cream side effects and benefits which need to be taken into consideration.
The following is a list of possible side effects which can be experienced when taking progesterone, which includes but it not limited to the following:
Thinning hair Decreased libido Bloating Headache Nausea Hot flashes Painful and tender breast tissue Menstrual cramping Ovarian pain Mood swings Weight gainWhen a woman has been trying to conceive and becomes pregnant and has a history of recurrent miscarriages, a physician may prescribe progesterone creams to protect the pregnancy. The journey to parenthood is easy for some couples, but for others the road may be long and disappointing at times, each individual s story is unique to them. Progesterone cream side effects and benefits to the body of a female are numerous. Which include protection against fibrocystic breasts, a natural antidepressant, normalizes blood clotting, decreases hot flashes, restores normal sexual drive, normalizes sleep patterns, helps prevent breast disease and is necessary for the survival of an embryo, especially for couples that have been trying to conceive and in cases of a threatened miscarriage.
Each of these things should be taken into consideration when considering whether or not to use progesterone cream for any reason. When a woman's body is unable to manufacture normal levels of progesterone, sometimes supplementation is necessary. According to the National Institutes of Health, a woman is less likely of having any negative side effects from progesterone when taking a natural replacement versus a synthetic. All of these things should be discussed with a medical professional before taking any type of progesterone cream or supplements in order to make sure it is safe to do so.
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