When it comes to making a proper diagnose, in case of diabetes this is made somewhat difficult due to its changeable nature. Earlier, in order for a person to be diagnosed with this ailment, the glucose levels in the blood needed to be at least 140 mg/dL and above, but today all has changed. Namely, once person's glucose levels reach the 126 mark that person is considered to be suffering from diabetes. In addition, one of the most important things one should bear in mind as well is that diabetes is not a condition that occurs unexpectedly; it develops gradually and over time, diabetes being the peak. Therefore, discovering it in time, or as soon as possible, will do a person in question a world of good since it can then be prevented.
When it comes to regular blood sugar levels, those people who are safe from diabetes have their levels ranging from 80-90 mg/dL prior to having a meal, and it goes as high as 120 mg/dL after they have finished the meal. Prediabetes is the condition that starts once the person's body is unable to keep full control of the levels of sugar in the person's body. As far as this condition is concerned, that alarming point is considered to be 100 mg/dL, but this increases even more, i.e. doubles after the person has finished a meal. Since, this increase is that much greater, more time is needed for it to return to normal. However, it does not end here. A couple of hours later, the glucose levels have the potential to decrease below the normal level mark and reach 70 and even 50 mg/dL. It is then that the state of low blood sugar occurs, manifesting through quivering, anxiety and increased hunger - for sweets especially. The downside is that such fluctuations can continue for years without the person even noticing them, ultimately turning into diabetes.
Another important thing to bear in mind is that glucose levels of a person who does not suffer from diabetes, and that of a person suffering from prediabetes are quite often almost the same. Therefore, it cannot be emphasized enough how important it is to visit a doctor once you feel even the slightest of changes, for diagnosing prediabetes in a person is one of the best ways to prevent the occurence of the diabetes itself. Bear also in mind that diabetes can cause great many conditions that can damage a person's body to an extremely great extent - blindness, kidney failure, amputation, heart disease and even stroke.
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