About Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is an inflammatory condition of one part of the human foot known as plantar fascia. Every year, just in the United States there are about 2 million people suffering from this condition.Plantar fascia tissue starts from the surface of the heel bone and stretches towards the toes, and when it gets inflamed, people can experience painful sensations. Heel pain can be either light or serious, depending on the cause and extent of inflammation.
Scientists identified several factors that might lead to this medical condition, although some exact causes are still unknown. As the most common factors that might lead to plantar fasciitis doctors found structural abnormalities in some part of the legs, such as flat feet, high arches or tight calf muscles. Wearing some improperly cushioned shoes, walking on uneven surface for some time or standing for a long time at one place can also lead to plantar fasciitis and cause pain. Feet injuries are also known to lead to similar health problems. Overweight people and those suffering from obesity are also exposed to greater risk of developing this condition, as well as some elderly.
Treatments for Plantar Fasciitis
Treatment options for people suffering from plantar fasciitis might include stretches and appropriate exercises, while surgical procedure is usually saved as the last option for severe cases.Stretches are one of the most efficient treatments for this medical condition, especially bench and Achilles stretches and toe walking. People suffering from plantar fasciitis might also benefit from some ice pack treatments and anti-inflammatory medications. Sufficient rest and good night sleep can also help relieving the problem, as well as some footwear adjustments.
Overweight people might be advised to lose some of the excess weight, in order to resolve the problem in their feet (if this is the cause of the pain).
As said, surgery is the last alternative for people suffering from severe case of plantar fasciitis which can’t be solved in any other way. Endoscopic plantar fasciotomy and heel spur removal are most common types of the surgical procedures used in these patients. Surgeons are able to resolve the pain caused by plantar fasciitis, but patients may experience certain side effects of the procedures. When it comes to endoscopic plantar fasciotomy, possible problem is arch flattening, and for both of the procedures there is a chance to provoke plantar fascia ruptures.
It is hard to talk about the success rate of these procedures, because the success depends on the patient. In general, about 75 to 90% patients (or about40%, according to other studies) have success with these surgeries, but it mainly depends on the reaction of the patient’s body.
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