Perimenopause is a period of couple of years before the actual menopause. These periods of life can’t be avoided but the symptoms aren’t so bad in all women. Symptoms of perimenopause might be different in every woman, and some of them go through this period without any symptoms at all.
The most common symptom is probably irregular menstrual periods. Some women don’t have menstruation for several months, because they don’t ovulate regularly. Cycles can become much shorter or much longer than they used to be, depending on the woman. The menstrual bleeding also changes and it can be heavier or lighter than it was. There is also some vaginal dryness and libido changes connected with the perimenopause.
Sleeping problems are frequent problem for perimenopausal women. Insomnia and hot night flashes are often present in these patients.
Many women experience mood and emotional changes. Depression, anxiety and bad temper are often associated with perimenopause. In most cases, life problems and current situation are more likely to be blamed for these symptoms, than the hormonal changes in a woman’s body.
Perimenopause Treatment
Many specialists will recommend their patients to use medications and supplements to treat perimenopause. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is used to compensate estrogen and progesterone in the body and to relieve some of the unpleasant symptoms. Some women might need antidepressant medications in order to fight depression in perimenopause and menopause. These prescribed medications are good but they all have side effects, including the increased risk of breast, ovarian and uterine cancers. Fearing the cancer, many women decide to try with natural medications.
Natural treatments are much safer and with less side effects than prescribed drugs. Before you start using any herbal or natural product, always discuss the options and possible interactions of these remedies with the medications you are already using with your doctor.
You might use standardized herbal extracts, because they contain the same amount of product in each capsule in every bottle. Ingredients in standardized extracts are tested and studied. Other herbal preparations may not be safe to be used, since they are not regulated by the FDA. Manufacturers can put as much or as little of the active substance as they wish, and sometimes there is a substance on the label and no traces of it in the bottle (or the pill).
Change in your lifestyle can also be beneficial for your perimenopause symptoms. Doctors advise to avoid alcohol, stop smoking, eat healthy and exercise regularly.
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